GTA port coming to Wii

JerrodDRagon said:
Yeah Nintendo needs to get with the times and say its ok to have M rated games, If the Wii gets GTA and its good we could see more GTA games coming to nintendo meaning that GTA will no longer just be for the PS and Xbox making the Wii a better system.
But Nintendo really just needs to let almost any Rated M game on it (except for ones that are 100% sex <Guy game, Playboy masion> But games like GTA they need to just say ok I dont like what your game is but I want to get more gamers on our system.
I disagree. The Wii doesn't need that junk. Anyone hard up to play out a thug fantasy can just go buy a Playstation. The Wii is all about being different. It doesn't have the technical specs to outgun the PS3 or 360 and yet it is the fastest selling system this holiday season.

Nintendo is going in the right direction. They don't need to pull in hardcore Playstation gamers. The target for the Wii is orders of magnitude larger than the Playstation audience.

There's a lot more of us middle-aged and older people interesting gaming, with a lot more money to spend, than there are pimple-faced teenage boys salivating for another "Hot Coffee" hack or schoolyard gay antics in Bully. Let Sony have THAT piece of the gaming pie.
sracer said:
I disagree. The Wii doesn't need that junk. Anyone hard up to play out a thug fantasy can just go buy a Playstation. The Wii is all about being different. It doesn't have the technical specs to outgun the PS3 or 360 and yet it is the fastest selling system this holiday season.

Nintendo is going in the right direction. They don't need to pull in hardcore Playstation gamers. The target for the Wii is orders of magnitude larger than the Playstation audience.

There's a lot more of us middle-aged and older people interesting gaming, with a lot more money to spend, than there are pimple-faced teenage boys salivating for another "Hot Coffee" hack or schoolyard gay antics in Bully. Let Sony have THAT piece of the gaming pie.

Agreed. Nintendo's supposed to be going family-friendly. I'd like to see them stick to their guns. And don't kid yourselves - GTA won't sell consoles - not at this point in the game. Zelda, GoW, H3, FFXIII - those sell consoles - not GTA.
sracer said:
I disagree. The Wii doesn't need that junk. Anyone hard up to play out a thug fantasy can just go buy a Playstation. The Wii is all about being different. It doesn't have the technical specs to outgun the PS3 or 360 and yet it is the fastest selling system this holiday season.

Nintendo is going in the right direction. They don't need to pull in hardcore Playstation gamers. The target for the Wii is orders of magnitude larger than the Playstation audience.

There's a lot more of us middle-aged and older people interesting gaming, with a lot more money to spend, than there are pimple-faced teenage boys salivating for another "Hot Coffee" hack or schoolyard gay antics in Bully. Let Sony have THAT piece of the gaming pie.

Companies are in business to make money. Nintendo could make A LOT of money by adding more mature titles to their arsenal. Imagine, all the awesomeness of Mario, Zelda, Metroid mixed with the awesomeness of the GTA series and other huge mature game series' would be amazing. It would be very smart on the part of Nintendo to get in on the mature game action because it doesn't matter how innovative the controller is (THE MAIN SELLING POINT OF THE WII) if nobody wants the games. And I agree, there are a lot of good games already out on the Wii, but it could definitely use some death.
Well this is why Nintendo is always the Kids toy and not a Real system becuase there's no adult games but Zelda and Metriod (if you count that as a adult game)
Im not saying allow Junk on the Systems but GTA is a fun game and besides some of the Hokers stuff its a game I dont really see why people get so made about. In Zelda youcan ride by a monset and shoot him and kill him GTA is the same thing but with a gun.
But why should parents care if GTA is on the Wii anyway since most stores at pretty strick about M rated games the onyl store I dont think is, is BlockBuster. But EB, Best Buy and Toys R Us are strick.
xbandaidx said:
What do you mean strict? They check for ID's or what?

I was wondering about that, as well. I've never had any trouble buying ANY game for any system anywhere no matter what the rating was. And I've been playing games more seriously since I was like 11 and I'm 21 now.
Well I personally think that we gotta get rid of a lot of these conservatism thats going on. Just let people live and buy games the way they want.
Ive actually seen several kids getting ID'd to buy M games.. Today in WALMART I saw one who's mother verbally OKed the sale of an M game. I didnt pay it much attention but I did notice.
xbandaidx said:
What do you mean strict? They check for ID's or what?
Yeah When I was 16 any time I tried to get like a Halo/GTA game or some rated M game they always stopped me and said I need to see your ID.
JerrodDRagon said:
Well this is why Nintendo is always the Kids toy and not a Real system becuase there's no adult games but Zelda and Metriod (if you count that as a adult game)
Im not saying allow Junk on the Systems but GTA is a fun game and besides some of the Hokers stuff its a game I dont really see why people get so made about. In Zelda youcan ride by a monset and shoot him and kill him GTA is the same thing but with a gun.
But why should parents care if GTA is on the Wii anyway since most stores at pretty strick about M rated games the onyl store I dont think is, is BlockBuster. But EB, Best Buy and Toys R Us are strick.

All good points except that you make the jump from 'having' no mature titles' to 'being a kids system'. In fact, I think that makes the console more mature. Nintendo has realized that gamers are growing up, getting jobs, professional friends, wives / husbands, and having kids. I don't think they will have many mature titles because with all the focus they've had on being fmaily-friendly (read through the Iwata Asks series for a couple hours), adding a slew of M-rated games would be like Disney signing Wes Craven and Stephen King to make movies for them. Furthermore, the hardware they have to work with severly limits them in the M-rated Department - which generally relies on |_|b3R-1337 graphics to make blood and violence seem more realistic, or to add that special jiggle into DOA Beach Volleyball. The Wii itself just isn't geared for it.

I suppose it all comes back to how you look at it, but in my opinion, a console doesn't need mature rated games to be mature. I've played video games for 20 years, have a family, a job (and another on the side), and go to grad school. I've played on over a dozen different consoles over the years and, at one time, hosted a small emulation site. I've been around gaming awhile, and that's my take on it - for whatever it's worth.
Who cares about what games come out on any system, kids, adult, sports, Simulation what ever
None of it is junk, if you don't like the game just don't buy it.
If parents don't want there kids playing M games, then don't buy them for your kids.

And i watch some news video online where they interviewed some women from Nintendo America and she said that there will be a larger collection of "Mature" games for the Wii and GTA would be one of them, ill see if i can find the link some where.
they wouldnt let me buy turok evolution...cause i was 15...and it was M but then i winked at the cute girl and then she said "well if its for a gift" "then ill let you by it" then i was happy...and the end!
Wycky said:
Who cares about what games come out on any system, kids, adult, sports, Simulation what ever
None of it is junk, if you don't like the game just don't buy it.
If parents don't want there kids playing M games, then don't buy them for your kids.

And i watch some news video online where they interviewed some women from Nintendo America and she said that there will be a larger collection of "Mature" games for the Wii and GTA would be one of them, ill see if i can find the link some where.

agreed. Also everyone needs to remember that there is a parental controls now. So this should eliminate some games for under aged people.
ericlewis91 said:
maybe HOOTERs Restaraunt the Game

u know...hooters the restaraunt but in game form

spill water(wet tishirt bonus)

LOL!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

That made me laugh
but you know what, seriously...

NO MORE PORTS! We got enough ports, we need games MADE for the Wii, like Elebits.

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