
ilves said:
I wanna ask how are the graphics for Wii, are they good? Some say that graphics are rly down or Wii...

This was the original question, not why a FPS is comparatively good/bad on the Wii. In my opinion, the Wii graphics are good. Not great, but certainly good. The way I see it, it's like postage stamps. People go to the post-office in search of some sort of design on the stamp because they like it. However, when was the last time you looked at the stamp when you opened a letter? When you play games, you may notice the graphics and how good/bad they are, but you're there to play the game, not admire how pretty something looks. If you want eye candy, go to an art museum. If you want to play video games, choose the system that best suits your playing needs.
sarspants said:
This was the original question, not why a FPS is comparatively good/bad on the Wii. In my opinion, the Wii graphics are good. Not great, but certainly good. The way I see it, it's like postage stamps. People go to the post-office in search of some sort of design on the stamp because they like it. However, when was the last time you looked at the stamp when you opened a letter? When you play games, you may notice the graphics and how good/bad they are, but you're there to play the game, not admire how pretty something looks. If you want eye candy, go to an art museum. If you want to play video games, choose the system that best suits your playing needs.

nicely put what this guy said.. end of
well think about it.... the GC's graphics was better than the PS2's and Wii's graphics is better than GC's... to technically we can see graphics that are at least 2x better than those on the PS2's (GT4 graphics anyone?) so i don get why people say the graphics is not good enough...
I think the Graphics are really good, not as good as 360, or PS3, but better than the others.
wezeles said:
its better than ps2 and xbox but not as good as ps3 and xbox 360... kinda between gens on graphics but way above anything else on gameplay... "wiimote motion sensing" ill make it easy

ps2 < Gamecube < xbox < Wii < 360 = PS3

gamecube=xbox=ps2=360 < ps3 "some motion control" < Wii "alot of motion control"

they all have there strong and weak points...
since when is gameplay judged by motion controls? last time i checked rampage sucked balls but used motion control and halo 3 was fun and didnt.
Yes the graphics are not as spectacular as the Xbox 360 or the PS3, but I still find myself blown away by the quality of the visuals in games like SMG, MP3 ect.

You shouldn't be judging a console on its graphical capabilities alone, look at how many games are on the system that interest you. Not enough Xbox 360 or PS3 games interest me enough to warrant the purchase of one of those consoles, however I find a large number of Wii titles are a blast to play.
Sovieto said:
since when is gameplay judged by motion controls? last time i checked rampage sucked balls but used motion control and halo 3 was fun and didnt.

again we have someone comparing a bad game to a A+ game as an argument twards Wii motion controlls...
No console... none can make a game better just by what it offers for gameplay or graphics. It still comes down to game design themself.

Compare the same title game on one system to the Wii when its using motion controlls instead of standard analog controls and then you have an argument...

A bad argument and more opinion then anything, seeing as the public has already proven with Wii sales that gameplay is just as important if not more important than graphics by making the Wii the fastest selling console in history.
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wezeles said:
again we have someone comparing a bad game to a A+ game as an argument twards Wii motion controlls...
No console... none can make a game better just by what it offers for gameplay or graphics. It still comes down to game design themself.

Compare the same title game on one system to the Wii when its using motion controlls instead of standard analog controls and then you have an argument...

A bad argument and more opinion then anything, seeing as the public has already proven with Wii sales that gameplay is just as important if not more important than graphics by making the Wii the fastest selling console in history.

Example: Resident Evil 4.
I liked RE4 better on GC. It was fun on Wii, but it turned the game into basically a Arcade game. It took away the challenge and the Survival/Horror aspects. I think thats why alot of people say GC was better. Its fun to use Wii-motes point but thats it. The motion controls were pointless, it didnt make it more fun to shake my wii-mote to slash a knife.

Wii-motes sensors do not make for better gameplay unless its a mini-game. Point and click is the most fun part, but I still wouldn't want it for competitive gaming because it makes it into a arcade game. Thats why my Wii is my console for 1st parties and some quick fun. Zelda on GC was 100% the same than on the Wii. They're both the same fun. Motion controls dont make it better on the Wii.

Which I think is the point Sovieto was making because wezeles is acting like Wii's motion makes for better gameplay which is crap, it depends on the a persons preference. Shooting is always fun with Wii-mote but I rather use analog in the long run.
like i said in the end of my post its still gonna end up being personal opinion...
Most of you are basing it on difficulty level like most "hardcore" gamers would...

I personally liked the fact it felt more like an arcade shooter,ive got more than enough FPS's. And the arcade feel is a nice change of pace, I havent had that feeling since i bought my 3DO and have the real video mixed in with my games making it corney and very arcade like...

but obviously the mass audience has already decided the change in game play over the same analog controls over and over again is more than enough to make up for its graphical short commings...
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