Wii graphics

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Jul 31, 2007
i know that the wii graphics arent very gud, but i know u can play game cube games on the wii, and games like resident evil which where on the game cube where good graphics and so where a lot of games on the game cube. so will wii games be as good as game cube graphics or not, if u know what i mean.

or is it just game cube games be the best to good graphics on the wii?:scared: :crazy:
No, Wii has much stronger graphics than the GameCube. Although, Zelda was converted from the GameCube to the Wii so that game is the acception that has poor graphics. Even for GameCube graphics, that game looked pretty. :)
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yeah but ive played mortal kombat and the graphics arent very gud, and many people have said the wii is more for gameplay then graphics, so like i heard the wii will have no where near good graphics compared to 360 or ps3
You didn't ask me to tell you my opinion on the Wii's graphics compared to the powerhouse graphic systems.
I think they're amazing, with all the skill it needs to consume to make so many polygons I'm quite astonished. The Wii has to, of course, fit in with the motion sensor as well, so there are a lot more control options to configure unlike the other consoles, so it would take years to make a game for it. I know how many people were waiting impatiently and blew up in an angered rage because Zelda was delayed, they're making the games good. The Wii uses its graphical capability to a full, unlike the other consoles who mainly focus on war and have the same colour palette, brown, brown and some more brown. If I wanted to escape from reality I wouldn't sit myself down on a couch to take part in a pretty little virtual war. Wii brings my happiness with its graphics, they're not the best in the world, but you have no idea how hard it is to make those graphics happen. You're being pretty ungrateful.
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no im not, the graphics what ive seen so far arent good, but i think the game cube graphics were better. i was just wondering if we wil see better graphics in games for the wii. sorry ive only played wii sports, wii play and mortal kombat and i think they r good games but the graphics sux.
mouse1984, what games you got? I've got Mortal Kombat and they aren't particularly good graphics. The best have to on Resident Evil 4 with the component cable. Really detailed. Graphics won't ever be as good as the PS3 unless there is a add on hard drive or something, but I doubt it. The Wii is a much better console with alot better games. Mario Strikers Charged are ok graphics but like everyone knows Nintendo focus more on gameplay than graphics that's why they're kicking ass!
Wozz500 said:
mouse1984, what games you got? I've got Mortal Kombat and they aren't particularly good graphics. The best have to on Resident Evil 4 with the component cable. Really detailed. Graphics won't ever be as good as the PS3 unless there is a add on hard drive or something, but I doubt it. The Wii is a much better console with alot better games. Mario Strikers Charged are ok graphics but like everyone knows Nintendo focus more on gameplay than graphics that's why they're kicking ass!

Another graphics thread :sick:, you didn't even spell good right..oh geez.

And Wozz he listed the games he has, did you read his post?

The graphics will get better for some games no doubt, and the Gamecube only had a few nice looking games. Wii's will get better in time, but it depends on what you play. Obviously games like Wii Sports and Wii play won't have good graphics, plus Mortal Kombat is a port from the ps2 but some future games that look good, Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
I do apologise, missed that part Serously mousey u don't have any proper games there and MK is a a port like said above. I'd definately get the 2 i mentioned and i'm sure u will change ur mind.

It really does annoy me when people judge the Wii's graphics off games that are just teachin u how to use the remote!
mouse1984 said:
no im not, the graphics what ive seen so far arent good, but i think the game cube graphics were better. i was just wondering if we wil see better graphics in games for the wii. sorry ive only played wii sports, wii play and mortal kombat and i think they r good games but the graphics sux.
Well Wii sports came with the Wii...
Wii Play is just a bunch of mini games...
Mortal Kombat just has bad graphics

Wii's graphics will get better, it's still early in its lifespan. Notice most of the good looking GC games came out later (the not so many good looking games...). So the probably the best Wii graphics will come out near the end. But just go take a look at (Like Can'tGetAWii said) Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, and Brawl. Which all come out before the end of the year. Just be pacient, better graphics will come.
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