Grand Theft Auto IV

If this actually happens on the Wii I will flip out! I'd love to play this game with the Wiimote. That would be sick I think. I'd definitely skip Godfather and Scarface just so I can get this game. The chances are really good that Rockstar would do this. I mean they did make Manhunt only for the Wii right? Yeah its on the PSP but thats not a major system so technically its Wii exclusive in terms of current gen consoles which I think is awesome. GTA will prob come out for all 3 systems I'm thinking unless they feel Sony isn't worth the investment. That would truly be funny. Anyways 26 days until the trailer comes out!
MasterJedi2U said:
GTA will prob come out for all 3 systems I'm thinking unless they feel Sony isn't worth the investment. That would truly be funny. Anyways 26 days until the trailer comes out!

I'm hoping you're right, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was released for xbox360 and ps3 only, just like the new Star Wars game.
I think RockStar is testing the M-rated waters on Wii with ManHunt 2. seeing as the Wii is the only NEXTgen system the game is being released on, I think Rockstar is going to decide what to do with the Wii basd on sales of Manhunt.
so if you want to possibility of GTA 4 on Wii, buy Manhunt 2 and boost RockStars confidence in he system.

thats just my insight, no factual basis.
it's not gonna happen, they sadi they where talking to them OMFG!! Take two makes alot of other games too, and just becaue they are talking doesn't mean their will be a deal or anything
Brand Nubian said:
next gta shud have it were u can raise dogs to fight by ur side to sic ppl on

People who fight dogs are ****. Worthless, piece of **** mother****ers who are better off being tied to a pole and beat to death with a claw hammer, starting from the toes and slowly working up.

I don't understand how these ****ing gangster rapper and white trash ****ers try to play themselves off to be the hardest ass people around, yet they can't fight their own fights like men, they have their puppies do it. ****ing flaming ass sissy faggots.

These people are the main reason for BSL (breed specific legislation), creating bad images for great dogs. Innocent, loving, family pets are being confiscated and euthanized because of these coward ass pussies. Promoting local governments and the media in their push for paranoia of certain breeds.

I can't count how many ignorant ****ing idiots would give me dirty looks when I would take my American Pit Bull Terrier into PetSmart or to the park or lake for a walk. People would look at me as if I was marching through church wearing a Satan costume, you wouldn't believe how many media-fed lies stick in a person's brain.

Pit bull jaws lock - FALSE!
Pit bulls have a taste for blood - FALSE!
Pit bulls love to fight - FALSE!
Pit bulls are mentally unstable/turn on their owners/snap without warning - FALSE FALSE FALSE!

The city of Midwest City, Oklahoma confiscated my best ****ing friend because of this bullshit. He was a beautiful 95 lb, very healthy dog. Loved playing in the water, loved playing with cats, big dogs, small dogs, children, loved meeting new people, LOVED licking faces, never stopped wagging his tail, couldn't stand to go 5 minutes without laying his head in somebody's lap or being pet. Wow.. crazy.. I forgot to mention how he liked to bark and try to attack dogs at the park, or how he was ran on treadmills, tied to log chains, shot up with steroids, bit children, etc... why? because not all APBT's are raised by ghetto pieces of **** who lack any self confidence so they decide to buy a dog as a status symbol to help make them look like hard asses when in reality they're the opposite.

A few videos I found, you can not honestly watch these and not feel your heart sink.

These vids are a bit more graphic, but cover some ignorant myths:

I apologize to you guys for posting a novel here that has nothing to do with the post, but as you saw in the "Views about drinking, smoking..." thread, there are few things I feel strongly about, this is one of them.
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As long as the Godfather and Scarface sell well for the Wii, since Sony lost the exclusivity to GTA, there is no reason y it shouldnt be released for the Wii
i like GTA on the ps2 and psp but i definetly wouldnt but it 4 the wii if it came out the controls would probably be clunky and agitating:lol: anyway the wii is all about fun not blowing guys' heads off!:lol: