Grand theft auto 5 ported to Wii U.


WiiChat Member
Jan 6, 2011
Wii Online Code
There's a rumor that's been floating around that there may be a Wii U port of Grand theft auto's upcoming installment. Rockstar VP Dan Houser says that they're considering the port of Grand theft auto 5 to the Wii U, but they're not quite sure yet. I've also read that Reggie himself is wanting Gta 5 ported to Nintendo's new console. If they actually go through this, then it's very unlikely that we'll get this near the launch date, but it's never hurt to wait.

What's your thoughts on this, guys? Do you want this port, or you couldn't careless either way?

If they port it t' the Wii U, I'll certainly be happy. I'd actually be able t' play online.
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If they port it t' the Wii U, I'll certainly be happy. I'd actually be able t' play online.
I want that to be the very first online game we play together and we could troll online! Troll duet! Just kidding. OR AM I?

I genuinely do not want it on any console
Ya don't care for GTA, Bloke?

I want that to be the very first online game we play together and we could troll online! Troll duet! Just kidding. OR AM I?

I have zero issue with a session of team-trollin' in any online GTA game. :lol:
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Thanks for the article. Without that, I would have never known. :lol:

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