Gorons wanting Hot spring water?

Dec 23, 2006
West Mids, England.
Wii Online Code
I've seen two gorons around the map and bothy wanted Hot spring water i thought fair enough an warped to hot springs at death mountain to get some but by the time i'd warped back to nearest location an gone and to give it them its been cold?

Any Tips/hints or secrets i need to know? :/
ok well there should be like a weird looking goron in front of the bomb shop i think and talk to him he should say something about water but make sure you gave the guy in the shop rupees n stuff...if you need help juss PM me cuz i guess this explaination sucks lol
u need to start the magic armour quest thing 1st. the goron inside the malo shop in kakariko says stuff bout raising funds for rebuilding the west bridge of hyrule castle. After u hav donated 1000 ruppees, the elder OUTSIDE the malo shop says something bout a goron not returning even though the bridge is built. He asks u to take some hot spring water to him. This quest is a nightmare coz u hav to carry a barral to the goron and u cant let any monster touch the barral other wise it would be destroyed and u gota start again.
After youve done dat, u get a peice of heart and the next donation which is 2000 ruppees get changed to 200.
The goron u just gave the hot spring water to is now selling some at south hyrule town which u then buy for 20 ruppees and then give it the goron at south hyrule field and then he just starts trying to break the passage blocked by the rocks.
And thats it.

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