Hot Spring Water


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2006
After beating the Desert temple, I'm taking a break from temples and doing some trivial tasks. Well, at least I thought they were trivial.

Outside the southern entrance to Hyrule, the goron there asks for some hot spring water so he can break through the rocks. No problem. So I go to karakiku village and swipe some hot spring water from up above the hotel. Now here's the problem: No matter if I try and gallop my horse there, teleport with shadow form, or anything...the hot spring water cools down and turns to water by the time I get to him.

Am I missing something here? Help :(
haha i did that too, but im guessin u gotta donate 1000 rupees to malos shop(or w/e his name is) to get the bridge repaired where that goron is, then once u done that theres a hot spring water shop on the west side exit of castle town i think, its actually that goron thats sellin that u helped by the bridge, u buy one then give it to the goron to break thru the rocks(it might be in a different container so it wont cool down or sumthin, i dunno lol. but im about to do all that now lol, gotat donate bout 300 more better work tho cuz i dunno any other way to give him the hot spring water
yes donate 1000 rupees to bridge fund, go talk to the guy again on the bridge and he'll be tired, then go back to malo mart talk to the guy outside he will thank you for the funds and ask you to carry water to the guy, stay on the right hand side of the cliff when you walk and place, not throw the barrel before you get to enemies (there are 2 birds by the bridge also) and shoot them with arrows or they will break the barrel, now once you douse the guy he will bring water back, buy some and talk to the other goron, he will start to plow through the rocks.
Joe_Swanson said:
errrr yeah where is malo's shop?
It's at Kakalodouwhodeywhatthefucums town

One of the little girls (think it's a girl anyway) took over a shop

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