GOOD at it, or BAD at it?

My room is the hottest room in the whole house. There is only 1 window and there are trashcans, a fence, and the neighbors 2 floor house next to the window so no air can get in and it sucks DX

I suck with computers :( I could bearly do stuff with them.

Remembering song lyrics.
It's more that I have to help my family because my lazyass older brother can't do **** :mad:
(You made me edit my post 1337)

Milking a cow?
I have never done it but I did try when I was 4 and I wasn't successful.
Depends where the fishes are...
I'd say... Average.

Being alone at the house?
If it's a chick, I'd say heck yeah!:lol:

Petting a cute puppy?
Ummm, I'd say... 49% would scare the cat off and 51%, the cats would attack. XD

So, maybe there is a chance to get it, so... Yes!

$20 on the ground next to a stranger?
When I was like 7-8 years old me and my brother went to a Liqour Store that's 2 blocks away from my house. There are always thugs that stand in front of the store and drink, sell weed, and do nothing important and there were $20 in the floor next to them and I picked them up and took them home :D They are nice guys BTW
So yes I'm kind of good at finding $20.

Cleaning after yourself (in the toilet).

Fixing mechanical things

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