Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

Ok guys start adding me, I play everyday and Im looking for ppl to play with so, cmon, add me and PM me telling u added me so I can add u too. We can play and talk via skype everytime you want. So cmon add me. 1911 0499 1892. Im looking for a clan. ;D
Checkin in to stay current and see who's new. As always, message me with your friend code and level if you add me. Info is in my signature.. :)
1952-4524-3734 is my Friend code. I want to play games of Heros and Team Conflict with some decent teammates, I always seem to get crappy teams :p I am level 26 and am pretty good for my level as I was on a pro team for Conduit 2.
Add Plz

Hey guys. I play a lot and am just looking for some people to play with. I'm currently lvl 27.

FC: 0845 3125 7384
Player Name: Agent DPT

Let me know if u add me so I can add you too
:yesnod:Hey Im (+)(+)(+)(+) Im lvl 47 and im a very skilled player im on everyday and i love 2 play Ge both the n64 and wii versions
my fc is....


ill see you all on the battlefield

im usually on heros or golden gun and im on Team/conflict at times.

plz dont say that i hack just im a very good player thx

i live in chicago and i go by the central time zone (i know how times differ) so hit me up

IM (+)(+)(+)(+) (same guy) my other wii chat acc got disabled or something V_V but anyway just add me and ill add u back ill only add people who are active as my list is full of people who are barely active ive been playing since launch so im really good...add me on skype 2 (s1l3nt4wp=skype)
Well, it took me about 10 days. ( as in game play ) but don't expect to be there when u hit 10 days becuz I've got a 2:60 k/d ratio

Ask me about any of the guns I don't mind. The strata is maxed out in everything but rate of fire by like half a centimeter. The Ilvana is maxed out in everything but accuracy again by like half a centimeter
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