Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

Uhm, sure I'll add you, but before I do...

what level are you? what's your kill/death ratio?
yeah list those terms...before anyone add's me. I won't accept your request unless you do.
and about all that PM'ing stuff...I don't know how to PM. Just tell me your friend request right here.
aight' thanks
Im 24 and k/d is 0.89 this is also my first account so accounts for my noob days also pm is private message when you click my name on bottom should say private message
Ok. I sent you my friend code.through PMing. Give me your code, and maybe we can play some matches today. Anyone else want to add me?
and my kill/death is actually 176/45
Yeah. The only reason I abandoned my level 28 was because it's kill death ratio, wins/eliminations, and everything overall was embarrasing. Because it accounts for when I yeah. I'm doing pretty good on my new ACC.
I've as well played with practically all of you. I've also added most of you and hope to be added back. my fc is 0137-0029-3134. found a sick hack that i can use only in with friends. SO IF YOU WANT INSANE XP ADD ME AND I'LL BE SURE TO ADD YOU. once again if your to lazy to look back in the paragraph  my fc is 0137-0029-3134

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