Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

alright guys, i would just like to notify every from the beginning of page 74-78 the end have been added to my friends list of the game goldeneye for wii. I glad to also notify that [AoW] (Art of War) clan is still recruiting members as of today. So in case you havn't seen my goldeneye information on page 74 i will be reposting it in red under this post. Cya on the battlefield fellow soldiers:

Ok guys well just to start this off i would like to say that i only added people from december 2010-july 2011. i didnt bother to ad others as it would seem unlikely you still play goldeneye and keep up to date on the friend code pages. however if i am wrong add me if you would like and i will add you back.

here is my information:

Friend code-

Online Name-

42 about 4k from 43


Online Clan Tag-
[AoW]-Art of War

My Status-
Im ONLINE from at least 11am.-2am. Western Time

Clan Status-
NOW recruiting

Clan Members-
None, we had about 6 members (all friends) but they retired and started playing other stuff

Pm Me if you decide to add me. Cya soon!

And by the way guys if you do decide to be an [AoW] clan member add the clan tag [AoW] into your name and send me a pm to notify me that you are an (Art of War) member. I may not answer you pm because i am not on all that much but all people are invided preferably over 20. if you are levels 1-19. i may make an exception if you are a decent player!

You fellow soldier and [AoW] leader,

hey everyone
friend code-291200694801
for anyone who is interested WWA is for team worldwide assassins to join the team just put "-WWA-" after your gamertag anyone can be part of it to be part of a global team and share friend codes
please spread the word
hey everyone
friend code-291200694801
for anyone who is interested WWA is for team worldwide assassins to join the team just put "-WWA-" after your gamertag anyone can be part of it to be part of a global team and share friend codes
please spread the word
Add meh fc is 4243 4945 7271 on level 16 very good for my level:) you can also join my site it for people who play goldeneye its not a clan
Hey people, Blupro here.
FC: 4788-6569-5556
Im thinking of creating a clan called [MVP] - Most Valuable Players.
There aren't any members at the moment.
Just pm me if you are interested.
Friend Code - 098294786075
Add me to play - I have been playing a lot since its the holidays :yesnod:
Lookin for a Good group of players

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