Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

hey my fc is 151325734177 i lvl 56 im the best in game have not hack and not hack frinds pls hacke add me and no hacker pls send pm plsssssssssssss
is anybody bored i feel like kicking some butt with someone! :yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod:
ohh so you mean it has new software
thats cool! thanks :yesnod::yesnod::yesnod:
ohh and by the way. if you have goldeneye wii 007 my fc is 003938510736
see you in the battle field!

I will add you. Not at home so I don`t have my fc with. I will try to send it later.
hi guys, i have added you all so plz add me to!!

fc : 4889-0531-8709 cheers, c u on the battlefield!!!

id : Jundol
added to my friend goldeneye friend list : colonel, darkflare, murdock, 004, mr.boss, dood, vandersall, semi42, merk[OG], spenbro, and jundol. my name is wood 009 level 38 and growing fc is 2002-1308-6087 i play mainly conflict, team conflict, goldeneye, heros, ltk, tltk, and classic conflict.
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Ok guys well just to start this off i would like to say that i only added people from december 2010-july 2011. i didnt bother to ad others as it would seem unlikely you still play goldeneye and keep up to date on the friend code pages. however if i am wrong add me if you would like and i will add you back. here is my information:

Friend code-

Online Name-

42 about 4k from 43


Online Clan Tag-
[AoW]-Art of War

My Status-
Im ONLINE from at least 11am.-2am. Western Time

Clan Status-
NOW recruiting

Clan Members-
None, we had about 6 members (all friends) but they retired and started playing other stuff

Pm Me if you decide to add me. Cya soon! :wink:
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Please add me as a daily player for GoldenEye 007 my user name is Rhaa and my code is 218017269194.......Don't forget to send me a message stating you have added me and your code so i can add you!!!........I will also be putting my Wii friend code up 6396-3270-0067-4204 so if you also want to add as a Wii friend let me know.......... Cheers :wiimote::nunchuck:
Hey chaps and chapesses, Not sure if it will help or not but the chat room set up for everyone to use (link in my sig) can be another way of getting friend codes, that's one of the reasons I set a new one up. Great for FCs and for invites, keeping track of buddies, having a natter between games etc. Have a look at the link, it's in its' early stages but the more ppl that try it the more ppl to the nicest possible way of course.Hope it helps.
Hey guys my username is rane1533 and my code is 360914137382, I'm usually playing conflict or team conflict. Message me if you add me.

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