Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

Hey I'm wondering if anyone wants to add me. I play almost every night. I'm a level 52, soon to be 53. I play the game right. I win a lot. I just like to have fun. My fc is 3315 5637 3314. My name is "Myers" Let me know if you want to add me! Thanks.
I simply mean that I don't hack. I'm not very fond of hackers either. That's just my opinion. But yeah, all I meant is that I don't hack the game.
hello kiddies!! thought i'd make my random appearance. PM if ya wanna play and add me. I know it says I'm a level 6, but I'm a previous level 56 with a kdr of 1.4 and climbing on this new account. cheers!
ok it's been awhiel seen I've said anything on this page but I need some good players on my FC list. I'm a 56 and I play mostly on the weekend at like 9:30 or 10:00 pm. so just PM me.
looking for people to play with so i dont have to play in random matches :incazzato:
name: Nightfire
fc: 0458-4600-3957
level: 34
Ohhhhh guess who's playing GE tonight?? Yeah...this guy, right here gonna try and get back to work on this account and see how fast I can get back to a level 56. I miss my Ivana :'( add me if you wanna play and let me know what ya wanna do. I'll be playing with a friend of mine so you'll have to join us. Info is in my signature! Ok....enough rambling, see ya on the killing field kiddies!!
Merp, that is all. Add me if you wish, and I'll see you in the warzone.
Holy Magikarp Batman, this thread is almost to 200 pages. POSTERS UNITE

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