Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

My Goldeneye FC is 4014-5073-3728

I've added a lot of people, do they have to add me before they show up under my "Friends" list or will they get a message saying I added them and they just have to accept?

Got "Invalid Code" with yours..
Tag is typically Reacher: 396483724191 i'm on a lot. PM me if you need me to add your code. See ya'll out there.

got everyone on the first page added... slowly but surely get all the rest of you

LVL 28 TC guy thus far
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Just to let everyone know It has come to my attention that if you add someone and they don't add you, they still take up a spot on your list. Be wary of sending random invites just because you see there name. You wont wanna fill up your list by accident.
Sup guys. If anyone is down to play but not quit after a game or two feel free to add me.
Name is the same ingame and I'm level 22
I don't have the game yet, dude, but I will buy it you have any of the games in my signature? I can add you to those.