Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

Haven't played for a while (about a month), so anybody can add me now.
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i added u and my online name is 007 mike. here is my FC:268775703605

i added u my online name is 007 mike my FC is 268775703605

i added u my online name is 007 mike my FC is 268775703605 i play often
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242678754728. Wii name Woody

Added you. 242678754728
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I just joined this site so I could get some friend codes and stuff so I still don't know very much about it at all...But if you want my friend code, I'll have to get it tomorrow morning because right now it is 00:14 and something is watching my tv downstairs :s.
But if anyone is up for a match in 7 hours give me you friend code and I'll put mine up and then pm me when your ready. I'm a level 6 or 7 I don't remember.
rcmp, I will add you when I wake up if your up for the match in 7 hours pm me!
My online name is HK which would have been my usename but it had to be 3 characters long.
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