Golden Compas

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  • #31
crazyman2 said:
ya you are going to get flamed and for good reason. i dont believe thats the topic of this discussion anyways. i just dont believe in telling anyone what they can and cant read. if everyone was only aloud to read a specific set of books and nothing else, we would be limited to that information and never be able to discover new theories and new truths. whose to say what books are right and which are wrong? so many things have been proven wrong that were once thought to be correct, such as the world being flat, not round. I know this is an exageration, but i believe removing one book off the shelves brings us closer to this conformity, and thats not only unfair to children, its unfair to all of us who wish to learn and grow in knowledge.
thats what im talking about, look it up in history the catholic church has been known to silence those against the church, and to restrict the readings, and teachings of those that don't fit there point of view, im not saying its like that now but it was. and if there is any refernce to relegion in this movie i would see it as that. I agree with you 100% I see it like this if God wanted us to only see one point of view he would have did away with evil, and the devil in the first place. But he didnt these things are in the world so we can have a choice. How would i know something is wrong if i don't know what the wrong is? How would i know how the opposite view thinks if i don't understand his view? You see you need contradictions, and differnt view points to make a better understanding of your own views, as well as understand where the opposite is comming from.
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  • #32
Marioman said:
That's because you haven't seen the sequels...the first book there really isn't that much Religious meaning unless your really looking for starts in the second book when they actually start showing the angels...
Yea i see where you are coming from but its just like i said, kids don't think that deep into things. You can go on and on about how santaclause doesnt exsist and the kid won't believe you period. Same with tooth fairy, and so on. So why do we think that kids are going to believe God is going to die. They know if you taught them that God is the almighty and can't die, so why do we constantly try to shelter them from other points of view? If any thing is wrong i see it this way why teach your kids to beileve in fake charectors like the easter bunny, santa clause, and so on and to teach them thats what those holidays are about. When if as a parent you are that worried about your kid not being against God you should teach them what those holidays are supposed to be about, and not suger coat them with the fake ideals of society. I for one will tell my kid from the start santa, and the easter bunny arent real! Christ was born and thats why we celibrate christmas, and he died for our sins thats why we celibrate easter, and so on. They will know from the start whats real and whats not, and i will teach them to think for themselves and not what others want you to think.(but thats just my view on it)
Basically it comes down to the religious side thinking it's ok to "brainwash" kids into religion at an early age by putting the fear of god into them, but when the same "brainwashing" is applied to an atheist theme, it's eviiiiiiiil.
Marioman said:
Lol we have to read this book over x-mas break...I really don't mind I want to see what its all about
Reading an atheistic book over Christmas. Oh, the irony.
Not read all the previouse posts, but one reasone the film was badly rated, was because the whole religous side of it was dropped in the film, so thats why you did not notice, it.

but the bad people are a religous group.

i enjoued the movie, but found it very slow, but great, even though iv read the books

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