Golden Compas

What's confusing you guys is that it's not the movie so much that's causing this controversy. It's the "People see movie + Love it + Go buy book + Read about it = Spread of atheism." that's getting these Christians. I'm Christian, but I want to see this movie, looks really good.

What Pullman said about the Chronicles of Narnia seriously makes me totally dislike him and think he's an arrogant asshole though.
Adamquest64 said:
That's dumb. It's called "The Golden Compass", not "God's Happy-Time Christian Adventure."
People shouldn't be so offended, it's a work of fiction. You know, like the Bible.

Atheist wrote this trying to lure kids into the book wich goes into more detail than the movie.
I just read about this on a E-mail. This is so damn wrong. Its wrong that this idiot hates God like this and trys to control kids minds by saying God Dies. I hate him.
Adamquest64 said:
That's dumb. It's called "The Golden Compass", not "God's Happy-Time Christian Adventure."
People shouldn't be so offended, it's a work of fiction. You know, like the Bible.

People are offended to easily.

It's like oh noez God isn't in this movie anyone who sees it is evil. One of my friends didn't get TP just because Hyrule was created by 'goddesses.'

JAKE196 said:

People are offended to easily.

It's like oh noez God isn't in this movie anyone who sees it is evil. One of my friends didn't get TP just because Hyrule was created by 'goddesses.'

...And it's targeted towards children. If these ideas are introduced at a young age, they will obviously embed the roots of an atheistic mindset.

The point is not that THIS movie is so horrible, it's the series. It's that this movie is setting up the following two, where a character named "God" dies. I can see how that would obviously upset the Christian population (me being included).

In a movie like Narnia, the name "God" isn't even mentioned. It's all one huge metaphor. All a child would see it for is a fantasy movie about the good guys beating the bad guys...and that's it. This movie, however, actually goes to the extremes where "God" is the enemy, and is eventually killed. It's unfair to compare the two, IMO.

Personally, I can't wait to see this movie, it looks great. But, then again, I have strong beliefs...this movie isn't going to "change" my mindset. In these Christian Group's perspectives, it's the children that are the victims, that's what all the fuss is about.
i think this is totally stupid. Anyone ever heard of fahrenheit 911? I dont think anyone has the right to say you cant read this, you cant read that. Oh and i've read the Golden Compass and the other two books ( the amber spyglass is one of my all time favorites) anyone wanna know where i got the Golden Compass from? My school library in St. vincent Jr high. thats right, a catholic school. no one cared then, and they shouldnt care now. and when i read the book, in no way did i infere that the girl was trying to kill God. And i bet you that know one would if Pullman wasnt athiest. The golden compass is a very well written adventure book and i would recomend it to anyone.
oh, and how come they care about this book when the davinci code and angels and demons can still be easily found in any catholic school library? gah!
crazyman2 said: no way did i infere that the girl was trying to kill God...
The article that Syntax sited stated that the main character ends up killing a character named "God". You didn't get the impression that the character was trying to kill God?
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crazyman2 said:
i think this is totally stupid. Anyone ever heard of fahrenheit 911? I dont think anyone has the right to say you cant read this, you cant read that. Oh and i've read the Golden Compass and the other two books ( the amber spyglass is one of my all time favorites) anyone wanna know where i got the Golden Compass from? My school library in St. vincent Jr high. thats right, a catholic school. no one cared then, and they shouldnt care now. and when i read the book, in no way did i infere that the girl was trying to kill God. And i bet you that know one would if Pullman wasnt athiest. The golden compass is a very well written adventure book and i would recomend it to anyone.
oh, and how come they care about this book when the davinci code and angels and demons can still be easily found in any catholic school library? gah!
Exactly well said! People need to get there heads out of there asses and look at the news. If any thing was going to make you think it wasnt a god the news sure would. All these school shootings, and kids killing people. I would be more worried about real world events indangering my kids mind then a movie or a book that kids, as well as adults know is not real. I think most kids, that are over the age of 7 can know the differnce between real and fake, and if they can't thats your responsability to teach them.

I don't see how a kid will get there isnt a god out of this. Or if they will even think that deep into it. Kids don't think about that stuff like that Grown ups do and its time to stop.
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i dont think i did, but this was in grade 7 and i dont think it went like that, and even if i did thats not what i got out of the book. i remember quite a bit about the trilogy, but nothing about the girl killing God. but i do recall that the catholic church were the bad guys, they imprisioned children and i remember learning alot from the book in ways of facts and knowledge cuz a mian character was a scholar.
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ssbb_lover said:
The article that Syntax sited stated that the main character ends up killing a character named "God". You didn't get the impression that the character was trying to kill God?
Thats just like you try and tell a kid that santa claus isnt real, they won't believe you. Kids know god can't die and they won't think thats the real god. People need to stop worring about the media and just raise your kids. If you raised them the right way and to know whats real and whats fake, and to know what wrong from right then you as a parent have nothing to worry about you did all that you can do.
they never once called it God. they call it "The Authority" if a 7 year old kid can get God out of that, then they can also get God out of Aslan.
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crazyman2 said:
i dont think i did, but this was in grade 7 and i dont think it went like that, and even if i did thats not what i got out of the book. i remember quite a bit about the trilogy, but nothing about the girl killing God. but i do recall that the catholic church were the bad guys, they imprisioned children and i remember learning alot from the book in ways of facts and knowledge cuz a mian character was a scholar.
WOW lol i know im gonna get flamed hard for this one but here goes. Doesnt the catholic church do this in a way in real life any way. I know they have in the past, and now in the future all you hear about is the little boys and girls that get malested, and yet you don't hear about them going to jail or any thing whats up with that.
ya you are going to get flamed and for good reason. i dont believe thats the topic of this discussion anyways. i just dont believe in telling anyone what they can and cant read. if everyone was only aloud to read a specific set of books and nothing else, we would be limited to that information and never be able to discover new theories and new truths. whose to say what books are right and which are wrong? so many things have been proven wrong that were once thought to be correct, such as the world being flat, not round. I know this is an exageration, but i believe removing one book off the shelves brings us closer to this conformity, and thats not only unfair to children, its unfair to all of us who wish to learn and grow in knowledge.
yungblood6 said:
wow i think people need to chill out because i didnt see any thing about girl trying to kill god or any thing for that matter, i got she is out to stop a organization that seeks to controll the world by changing its children and shutting up those that appose them. I don't see where all this catholic crap and other things came into play at. it didnt even have a mention of god throughout the whole movie. The only thing i could see parents worried about is the whole little pets that they call demons but its played in such a fantasy role its not offensive in any way. I took my girls son to see it and im sure he is not going to think that hard into it he just liked the fantasy, people need to just chill out go see the movie its good.

PS i didnt like the ending either but thats how they do movies that are going to have sequals nowadays.
That's because you haven't seen the sequels...the first book there really isn't that much Religious meaning unless your really looking for starts in the second book when they actually start showing the angels...

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