GodFather Thread (Post Your Questions and comments)

here's a question for those of you that have the spare cash i.e. over 1 million, do you run around with a gang member as backup or run around on your own?
Stallyon said:
here's a question for those of you that have the spare cash i.e. over 1 million, do you run around with a gang member as backup or run around on your own?

Even though I haven't got to a million yet (still associate), I ALWAYS have my one guy with me, it doesn't cost much and if you don't spot an NME he starts shooting so you know there's something up, giving you time to get ready.

And also I like the fact he calls me boss, even this early in the game I can feel slightly "don-esque" :D
miiguy said:
Even though I haven't got to a million yet (still associate), I ALWAYS have my one guy with me, it doesn't cost much and if you don't spot an NME he starts shooting so you know there's something up, giving you time to get ready.

And also I like the fact he calls me boss, even this early in the game I can feel slightly "don-esque" :D

there are some points in the game where having a guy can be bad for ya - especially when the last thing you want is a gun shoot.

there are a couple of safehouses dotted about the city where one of the things you can have in the safe house is a dolly bird in red basque that is armed to the teeth and will fight alongside you. she is level 5 and even at level 3 i was able to employ her services (i had actually thought i was buying her for some other services but thats another matter :D )....she'll cost between $30k and $50k but well worth the money. especially since you can not employ a level 5 guy at level 3 normally
30k ???

For that amount of money, I'd EXPECt the other services! *ahem*
:wink: :arf: :arf:

I know what you mean about the goons, but what I do then is tell them to go home, they don't they just mill around the area, so do it before going into a building, then when you get outside, he's still there.

will bear the Female version of Arnie in mind though.
(aggghh :ee5k: a picture of arnie in a red basque is not a pretty image:yikes: )
Stallyon said:
there are a couple of safehouses dotted about the city where one of the things you can have in the safe house is a dolly bird in red basque that is armed to the teeth and will fight alongside you. she is level 5 and even at level 3 i was able to employ her services (i had actually thought i was buying her for some other services but thats another matter :D )....she'll cost between $30k and $50k but well worth the money. especially since you can not employ a level 5 guy at level 3 normally

ive seen those chicks, do you have to own the safehouse to get her to fight by you? cause i usually just go in and flirt with em for a little respect. im a capo, will she be employed by me?
FWELR said:
ive seen those chicks, do you have to own the safehouse to get her to fight by you? cause i usually just go in and flirt with em for a little respect. im a capo, will she be employed by me?

these chicks only appear in 2 of the safehouses you own (one of them is in Midtown near the Barzini compound). they'll appear actually in your room and not in an adjacent room where the other red basque chicks are
I finally got this game..I am only at Enforcer rank now, should I wait until I am further in the game to try to take over most of the businesses etc.?
Stallyon said:
these chicks only appear in 2 of the safehouses you own (one of them is in Midtown near the Barzini compound). they'll appear actually in your room and not in an adjacent room where the other red basque chicks are

there's like 5 different safehouses near the Barzini compound. ive pretty much given up on getting one, i prefer to work solo anyways. one question i had for you, since you're like the resident expert: I got a key from a shopkeeper and I went to the bank, got his cash, then it says i got another key. but i have no idea where this one goes. Do you remember this?
ah, i have that second key too! the first keep is from a shopkeeper who had a problem with an arsonist out back i believe. any help about this second key would be great. unfortunately i can't remember the name associated with the second key.

Secondly, is it worth it to rob banks?
Alakhira said:
ah, i have that second key too! the first keep is from a shopkeeper who had a problem with an arsonist out back i believe. any help about this second key would be great. unfortunately i can't remember the name associated with the second key.

Secondly, is it worth it to rob banks?

somebody else has my problem. i think it says like S-something & S-something. don't remember quite what it says. robbing banks, depending on which ones, are a great little source of income until you get some warehouses and hubs to increase your payday amount. i would rather do hits and steal trucks, however.
islandvic said:
I finally got this game..I am only at Enforcer rank now, should I wait until I am further in the game to try to take over most of the businesses etc.?

the best way is to take over most of the businesses first and leave the game missions till later. the more businesses, rackets, compounds and hubs you have then the more money you will be bringing in which will give you enough spare cash to upgrade your weapons and buy safe houses.

it is wise to have as many safe houses as you can...they are a quick way of crossing town and when your running away from trouble it is easier to run a couple of blocks to a safehouse...

Alakhira said:
ah, i have that second key too! the first keep is from a shopkeeper who had a problem with an arsonist out back i believe. any help about this second key would be great. unfortunately i can't remember the name associated with the second key.

Secondly, is it worth it to rob banks?

ah, the second key........after you have robbed the bank you need a getaway car. well, this key belongs to the security truck thats in the banks parking lot. there is a security truck outside every bank and you now have the key to drive it. try shooting one of them down!!!! :thumbsup:

it is most definately worth robbing banks. although do bear in mind that the banks close for repairs for about an hour game time...when i was raising some cash i dont think there was ever a time when the banks stayed open for long :devil:
Stallyon said:
ah, the second key........after you have robbed the bank you need a getaway car. well, this key belongs to the security truck thats in the banks parking lot. there is a security truck outside every bank and you now have the key to drive it. try shooting one of them down!!!! :thumbsup:

so that's what is was for. i didn't even realize that, i did get into that truck. okay, thanks for clearing it up.

the only gun i need now is the lv 3 magnum. i have everything else. also have at least 2 safehouses in every city. have 4/8 warehouses and 1/4 hubs, so gotta get on that now, i guess.
I am really enjoying this game!!! I got my first Hub, it was crazy. Anyways I was wondering does it matter how many times you get 'iced' and end up in the clinic or started over. I was resetting each time because I would normally save before doing something life-threatening, but I started getting fed up so would just keep trying again. Also, I have almosy 400,000 saved up...should I invest in the dillinger or street-sweeper, or just save the money for safehouses and such?:scared:
islandvic said:
I am really enjoying this game!!! I got my first Hub, it was crazy. Anyways I was wondering does it matter how many times you get 'iced' and end up in the clinic or started over. I was resetting each time because I would normally save before doing something life-threatening, but I started getting fed up so would just keep trying again. Also, I have almosy 400,000 saved up...should I invest in the dillinger or street-sweeper, or just save the money for safehouses and such?:scared:

i think in all my time playing I got iced about 9 or 10 times. i'd buy the dillinger once you have about 600,000 saved as you always need a bit of spare cash. i'd suggest taking over a few more rackets and maybe a couple of warehouses or a hub to get some more cash flowing in. buying out a few safe houses will also give you the incentive to take over the business there also.

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