GodFather Thread (Post Your Questions and comments)

Got my copy replaced yesterday - right off the bat the Horseplay mission was different. Rocco didn't walk through walls anymore. Finished the mission, finally - and all thanks to the guy at EB Games. Normally they're totally tight about having a receipt, but this guy hooked me up no questions asked. Very cool.
SteveSak said:
Got my copy replaced yesterday - right off the bat the Horseplay mission was different. Rocco didn't walk through walls anymore. Finished the mission, finally - and all thanks to the guy at EB Games. Normally they're totally tight about having a receipt, but this guy hooked me up no questions asked. Very cool.

thats marvellous news Steve

has everyone read my post regarding tips for Godfather? it is a cracking read

The_Loose_Cannon said:
i steal the racket trucks and drop them off. thats a good way to make quick cash :)

you want to try robbing a few banks as well. bribe a few policemen first to make it easier and go blow the vault open (the bank becomes shut for a while but you do get between $20K and $60K
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SteveSak said:
Got my copy replaced yesterday - right off the bat the Horseplay mission was different. Rocco didn't walk through walls anymore.

yeah, that was what i noticed, too. i was kinda worried that the game itself was glitchy, but i guess it was just the disc. it was kinda weird when he all of a sudden just rotated up through the stairs and climbed into the house through the wall. odd glitch, but fixable, i guess. im a capa now, and i just took down the tattagalias or whoever. awesome game, btw, does anybody know: how many respect levels are there? can you get both 30 point rewards or does it only let you get one?
FWELR said:
btw, does anybody know: how many respect levels are there? can you get both 30 point rewards or does it only let you get one?

hi, if you notice from my avatar that I am currently at level 50. with operator fully maxed out and enforced half way through. it really is difficult in the higher levels to level up as you need more respect points to progress up to the next level. there just isnt enough missions and hits to get much more beyond this unless of course you spend the first 20 levels just whacking people and not doing any missions or taking over any buildings but this would just be way too slow.

even in late 40s respect levels, getting 100,000 in respect points would only half fill your bar
Stallyon said:
hi, if you notice from my avatar that I am currently at level 50. with operator fully maxed out and enforced half way through. it really is difficult in the higher levels to level up as you need more respect points to progress up to the next level. there just isnt enough missions and hits to get much more beyond this unless of course you spend the first 20 levels just whacking people and not doing any missions or taking over any buildings but this would just be way too slow.

even in late 40s respect levels, getting 100,000 in respect points would only half fill your bar

but it is possible, it would just take a long time like killing lots of random thugs on the street (not family guys, guys that start hitting on chicks). alright, im gonna max out enforcer first to get unlimited ammo.
so now that you completed the game stallyon, are there any other missions to do, apart from extorting bussinesses?
ottoman said:
so now that you completed the game stallyon, are there any other missions to do, apart from extorting bussinesses?

well, i extorted all the business first then completed all the missions. now the only things left to do is to get all the movie clips (100 to get and i've got about 68). there's one more prize fighter that i need to beat as well but no, there are no further missions.

there is a sergeant that gives out missions - i posted details about this in a previous thread. cant find him now tho. his set of 5 or 6 missions will give you about 250,000 respect points in total which is enough to level up (even at level 50)

i've robbed all 6 banks so there's not much else i can do in the game apart from run around hijacking trucks and beating up people :wtf:
RhYsO said:
I just became Don of NYC earlier, now is all that's left to do is find the Movie Reels?

how many movie reels do you have so far? i've noticed that some of the movie reels are in key points from the actual movie (makes sense) so have a look over these areas...i guess to get all movie reels, you'd have to run everywhere and not take a car and go everywhere...might take some time :yikes:
well im trying to become underboss still. i need 50k each payday, ut i only get like 25k :(
Okay, i have a couple of questions. I've been playing for a while but these are a few things i haven'tfigured out yet.

First, how do you call a hit squad? I'm always running around with my one hired gun. but i thought a squad would be pretty helpful to take down the compounds, warehouses, etc.

Second, when i start a mob war, i always end it by bribing an FBI agent. but the game has said you can also end/win it by bombing the rival mob's warehouse. but how do you do that exactly?
Alakhira said:
Okay, i have a couple of questions. I've been playing for a while but these are a few things i haven'tfigured out yet.

First, how do you call a hit squad? I'm always running around with my one hired gun. but i thought a squad would be pretty helpful to take down the compounds, warehouses, etc.

Second, when i start a mob war, i always end it by bribing an FBI agent. but the game has said you can also end/win it by bombing the rival mob's warehouse. but how do you do that exactly?

To order a hit squad you have to have acheived a certain rank within the family - I seem to recall getting this as a soldier. The hit squad monitor at the top left of the screen will slowly start to fill, and when it is full (it'll be on fire at that point) then you can select the hit squad but only when you are outside. Once you have ordered a hit squad the monitor will be emptied and needs to fill again before another hit squad can be ordered.

Firstly, to bomb a rival mobs warehouse (or racket) you need to buy a bomb. Bomb merchants can be found dotted about and will cost between $1000 and $2000 each. To bomb a racket, hub, or warehouse you just enter the building, select the bomb and click B to plant. I've always found though that bribing an FBI agent is always easier than bombing a warehouse. You've got to bear in mind that any place you bomb will become closed due to repairs for over an hour of game play and a closed racket is a racket that cant be gained.

There's also ways of avoiding Mob Wars - I wrote a tips thread where I describe the basics of taking over warehouses. Have a read of these and also have plenty of police backup when you start your warehouse or mob run. A rival family member shot by the police will not gain you any heat or vendetta :thumbsup:

If you need any more advice then just ask - capisca?

Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
should i buy it

damn yes

ottoman said:
well im trying to become underboss still. i need 50k each payday, ut i only get like 25k :(

here's a tip for ya - if you see a tramp in the street then kill him, or if you see a guy beat up a woman then kill the guy

both give you cash or respect points
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Just became the Don :) Just got to become the don of NYC now. Btw thanks tlc I got the 50k cash using your tip :p
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