GodFather Thread (Post Your Questions and comments)

ive just been promotd to underboss, and im now gonna attempt taking out all the familes compounds to become Don.
ottoman said:
ive just been promotd to underboss, and im now gonna attempt taking out all the familes compounds to become Don.

ooooh....good luck mate :thumbsup:
ottoman said:
ive just been promotd to underboss, and im now gonna attempt taking out all the familes compounds to become Don.
Try doing it on your own, its more fun :)
The Godfather


I bought it today and love it, but theres one mission I nee help on

U have to blow up a car to destroy evidence....

Where do you get the dynamite from?


Mother of all games

Godfather was the 2nd proper game I played (I tried Sonic but it was krap) wii sports was great fun at first but it gets boring after a while, especially if you play on your own.
The game is great fun and use of the wii's unique controls make you feel part of the game. I am don right now, eliminated all the families, taken control of all warehouses&businesses, completed all favours and hit contracts and accumulated over $1 million dollars and yet only completed 88% of game! i dont understand why but after reading these forums i realise i need to blow up the damn safes! i need to go back into each of the businesses and blow them up. cant wait until godfather 2 comes out. also waiting for a cricket game to come out..anyone knows of anything in the pipelines??
lilsam said:
theres one mission I nee help on

U have to blow up a car to destroy evidence....

Where do you get the dynamite from?

have a look at your map and clck Z to bring up the icon key, scroll down the icon key until you see the one highlighted bomb - this will then highlight every location on the map where there is a bomb seller. visit him, buy a bomb (or 2) then go bomb the car.

I presume this is the car that belongs to freddie corleone? If so, then the car is the parking lot in the back of a police car park
this game is awesome - I started playing yesterday and by the time I forced myself to shut the damn thing off, I looked at the clock and had been playing since 10am to 8pm. And then I went to the store - is it me, or does long periods of playing this game have a lasting psychological impact after you're finished? I nearly ran a few cars off the road and beat up a cashier because it seemed reasonable, just due to the fact that I'd been doing so all day... :smilewinkgrin:
yeh ive been promoted to Don, im just gonna become Don of the NYC now. The average cash i carry is around 1 Million now.
The cars

As on GTA, can you replace the car that is always waiting near the original safe house? as the car you generally have there is a poop.

I know it's easy to get another, me was just wondering. :confused:
miiguy said:
As on GTA, can you replace the car that is always waiting near the original safe house? as the car you generally have there is a poop.

unfortunately not mate as the cars you are given are the standard mobster cars....the best cars for getting about in have to be the purple or green sports cars - they are slick and fast and corner like they are on rails....plus you can do neat doughnuts :D

ottoman said:
yeh ive been promoted to Don, im just gonna become Don of the NYC now. The average cash i carry is around 1 Million now.

jeez...you need bigger pockets mate...when i finished the game i was carrying around just over 5 million....just what is a guy gonna spend his money on? I even hired a scantily clad lady to cruise around with me (she's level 5 henchman)...costs $50k but even that didnt blow the bank.... :rolleyes:

Mark OTVII said:
I nearly ran a few cars off the road and beat up a cashier because it seemed reasonable, just due to the fact that I'd been doing so all day... :smilewinkgrin:

i know the feeling....i'd walk up to a work mate, slap her ar$e and say "how bout giving me a bit on the house sugar?" :hand:
I have been on the fence about buying this game, but the above post has swayed me in favour of buying it I think lol
islandvic said:
I have been on the fence about buying this game, but the above post has swayed me in favour of buying it I think lol

you will not regret it, man. this is one of the best games out there for the wii right now. my favorite part about the game is that you can go wherever you want, whenever you want. it doesn't feel linear at all, once you decide to wait to do a mission for awhile, otherwise, you might rush through the story before you start taking down places like i did.
Stallyon said:
unfortunately not mate as the cars you are given are the standard mobster cars....the best cars for getting about in have to be the purple or green sports cars - they are slick and fast and corner like they are on rails....plus you can do neat doughnuts :D

jeez...you need bigger pockets mate...when i finished the game i was carrying around just over 5 million....just what is a guy gonna spend his money on? I even hired a scantily clad lady to cruise around with me (she's level 5 henchman)...costs $50k but even that didnt blow the bank.... :rolleyes:

i know the feeling....i'd walk up to a work mate, slap her ar$e and say "how bout giving me a bit on the house sugar?" :hand:

I told my son to stop "bustin my balls!" :smilewinkgrin:

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