Getting Hot Spring Water To Goron Just Outside Castle Town

I know you said you did this already, but it IS the correct way.

Buy the hotsprings water, run outside, get very close to the goron, talk to him, then produce the hot spring water.
The Goron south of town won't ask for water unless you've drunk some. If you try to give it without being asked, it will just spill on the ground. So buy a bottle, drink it, buy another and immediately carry it south and down to the Goron. He will say that you smell like spring water and ask you for some. Say yes.
I've tried that though countless times. I've drank the water in front of him. I've tried just talking to him with the water in empty bottles. I've tried z-targetting him when using it. It never works.[/QUOT
Drink the water in front of him? hahaha, i did that a lot of times but that is all i remember, im sorry not be of help.
lol wrong thing, to give the goron on the east side of castle town his water from the little mini quest after the water temple, when the last elder goron gave u a barrel of hot spring water, you should know wut i mean. go to his shop on the south side of the town (when you were the wolf ,and the area was in twilight and the people were lining up when u were going to Telma's.) Buy some hot spring water from him for i think about 20 rupees and then take it to the goron youre talking about and just drop it when he talks to you (when i mean drop it i mean just spill it out) and he will work on the stone , just go into castle town and go back and he will be done

hope this helped!
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