Gears of War is Overrated...

Is the third act the one underground?

act 5 is rubbish apart from final fight with raam and big brawl at beginning.

man i loved this game:D
syler18 said:
first off if ur a girl and ur on this website i doubt u have a boyfriend because u must be at least 200 pounds at least. or maybe ur gay i forgot about that option.

seconded gears of war is the greatest game ever it dominates over any game u trow at it so all of u dont like really are a bunch of pussys who would rather play hello kitty adventure park. u hae to play for a good amount of time not just 2 lousy hours.

shut up freakjob go and think up some more crappy jokes which arent funny.
Call of Duty 3 is better but gears is good. the campaign is awesome.
call of duty 3 is garbage online
the single player is okay, but nothing anyone hasnt seen
call of duty 3 is great online. your garbage (just joking)
:p no really, like on ranked matches, if someone leaves right before the game starts (which a lot of people do for some reason) the whole game drops
theres not many options for maps and the sniper is cheap (its so easy to use)
even game reviewers agree it sucks though, IGN stated it took 2 steps forward in the online from COD2, and 5 steps back
I remember when I first got Gears of War I was so excited. Me and my brother in law tore threw the game just loving it for its sharp graphics and great action, but after beating its short campaign I lost almost all interest in the game. When it came out the multiplayer was deathmatch only pretty much so I found that boring as well. I remember telling people that I found it boring and overated on the 360 forums and fanboys just getting whipped into a frenzy over it and truth be told I thought Rainbow 6 Vegas was a better game in both single and multiplayer games.
Haywire said:
I remember when I first got Gears of War I was so excited. Me and my brother in law tore threw the game just loving it for its sharp graphics and great action, but after beating its short campaign I lost almost all interest in the game. When it came out the multiplayer was deathmatch only pretty much so I found that boring as well. I remember telling people that I found it boring and overated on the 360 forums and fanboys just getting whipped into a frenzy over it and truth be told I thought Rainbow 6 Vegas was a better game in both single and multiplayer games.
no matter what gamemode you play on any shooter its basically deathmatch, you kill to win...
and maybe you should have gotten good? im sure your good in rainbow six so like that
Your right in a sense every fps game is essentially deathmatch but different gametypes really do help spice up a game but GoW only had a few maps at the time and only deathmatch, teamdeathmatch and assassination which was only a slight variation of deathmatch.

I really thought GoW was on track to becoming the perfect game but it just seemed to me that Microsoft rushed the title to beat the ps3 launch which caused the game to be short and lacking in features. I do beleive the sequals will be fantastic though.
Im not sure theyre going to make a sequel, why? Because i read on gameinformer not to long ago, that the developer EPIC, is not going to be making another GOW sequel.... reason i dont know why!!!
Just hope they change their minds about that decision!
I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure it was planned as a trilogy much like Halo, even if I am wrong I would be shocked if epic did not make a sequal to follow up with the first games succes and epic has never been shy about creating sequals in the past.
Don't worry there will most likely be a sequel..Also I would be suprised if there wasn't because GoW is one of the most played xbox live games.
GOW for 360, Resistance for Ps3 and Metroid for Wii. I only own a Wii and hoping to get a Ps3, but based on what ive saw Resistance and GOW both look incredible with awsome online play, Metroid on the other hand, running about as a woman in a plastic suit, doesnt excite me as much as the Uk being the earths last line in a defence against an army of Aliens. Metroid cant compare to either of these games.

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