Gears of War is Overrated...

Sovieto said:
quote something that proves something before you make yourself look like a fool again

wats there to quote? your an idiot thats it. your the fool noob
Syntax said:
Reviews are all about graphics... I beg to differ.. try doing some research next time Swiper. You're arguments/points are garbage..

wtf are you talking about? reviews are all about graphics? when did i say that why dont you try quoting what i say instead of trying to come up with BS. i havnt said an argument except the fact that i called that kid an idiot. and now you are an idiot nooblit
Syntax said:
God your dense.

Their also about online gameplay, story mode etc.

dense? all i said the game has good graphics and bad gameplay "IN MY OPINION" wats the big f'n deal idiot. good for all those reviews and good for your stupid observation
dense? all i said the game has good graphics and bad gameplay "IN MY OPINION" wats the big f'n deal idiot. good for all those reviews and good for your stupid observation

You also said that all the reviews rant on about the games graphics... Also you seem to be taking this a bit too seriously. Chill out.
Syntax said:
You also said that all the reviews rant on about the games graphics... Also you seem to be taking this a bit too seriously. Chill out.

quote me.
alocubano1110 said:
I have to say i'm not surprised that everyone on this forum dislikes GOW because... its a wii forum...

I own GOW and i LOVE it. It is not overated. Give it a chance, i SUCKED at first but now im decent at the online multiplayer and play it 2+ hours a day.

I owned a wii and zedla but sold it to get my 360 with GOW...

And i do think that GOW is better then Zelda:TP.

My question is why would you compare a First Person Shooter (FPS) To an Action Adventure game?
[i dont get it!]

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