Titles that you would like to see ported to the "Wii".


WiiChat Member
Jan 6, 2011
Wii Online Code
This thread is about games that you've always wanted ported to the wii. :3

One of the games that I've always wanted to see on the wii would have to be "Doom 3", because it would be nice to see such an engine running on the wii. There would be no downgrading, but awesome changes to its gameplay (motion controls). The game would be brought back to life and so would its online play. I'm actually quite baffled why Id software never considered to do such a port, but I suppose the reason is they were too busy with more important projects. :(
Oh this is an EASY one....SO so so easy...... KINGDOM HEARTS. I've ALWAYS wanted to see it on the wii. I'd love to see them all on the Wii but I'd eveb be satisfied with just the first one, espicially with the motion plus. Swinging the keyblade around...omg I'd be in heaven. They could even make a freaking giant Keyblade accesory to shove the wiimote into so you can break your television with it! =D
No we probably won't get any. Not the point though. I still want kingdom hearts on my wii...Just gotta wait 15 years for that home brew market to really peak....
I want Sly Cooper on the Wii, it's the only Playstation game I care about. Oh, and Halo should be on the Wii too.

Not like it's ever gonna happen.

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