Games which have been forgotten?

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Ahhh some unlocked memories flooding out now..

Road Rash"

I tried to block these ones out :sick:

I also remember the really early Codemasters games, when they were a budget label..I could buy then on cassette at the local garage for £3.99

Kick Start - Atari 800XL
The Last V8 (superb soundtrack) - Atari 800XL
Skips (yes the crisps) THE GAME - main character called Colin!!
BMX simulator
Red Max

Ahh repressed memories - as DP hinted - just too many to list - in fact just about every game in this list
Street Fighter 2
WCW/NWO Revenge
Dr. Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine
Tetris Attack
Zombies Ate My Neighbors- SNES Played over and over and over.

Armada- DC
I really want to play this game again...
Grannys Garden on the BBC

Quazatron and KWAH ! on the Zx spectrum
Hunter on the Amiga (original grand theft auto 3!)
Supercars 2 on the Atari ST (still has not been beaten by anything)
Front Mission 3 on PSX (damn japs not giving me 3a 4 and 5!:mad5: )

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