Gamer health survey (uni work)

I don't think BMI is an accurate measure of anything, y'know. I filled it out for you, nonetheless.
Another survey?

What ever happened to them standing out side bugging people?
Another survey?

What ever happened to them standing out side bugging people?

people are too lazy for that.


most people are going to bs their BMI. many people probably don't eve know that that is.
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I don't think BMI is an accurate measure of anything, y'know. I filled it out for you, nonetheless.

Agreed. BMI is virtually useless but a lot of people, ignorant people like my tutors, think its a great way of telling how healthy you are.

Another survey?

What ever happened to them standing out side bugging people?

People don't like to be bugged. This way you have the option of answering it or not without some unwashed, stoned student shoving a clipboard in your face.

people are too lazy for that.


most people are going to bs their BMI. many people probably don't eve know that that is.

Actually the BMI results match up pretty well with the first two questions.

Most professional doctors use BMI, so it must be doing something right. I think it's safe to say that it's more accurate than just knowing your weight.

It's just that it wasn't designed for what it's used for and doesn't take into account things like muscle size. For your average person it's basically good to tell if you're grossly overweight or underweight...but it can't tell you anything that a good look at the person wont.
Trying to figure out my BMI is a task I'd rather not do. Dwarfism makes it all much too confusing.

I'm three feet tall, but I'm fifteen and my body has the weirdest structure. In fact I figure that my legs only work because of magic, but not very strong magic.
No no no, Midgets are far more attractive and can still function normally.

Dwarfs and Midgets have been in an age old war since the dawn of time. THEY DO NOT DESERVE THE HANDICAP SPACES!!!!
Most professional doctors use BMI, so it must be doing something right. I think it's safe to say that it's more accurate than just knowing your weight.

I probably dislike it because I'm around the 18 range. :p

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