WiiChat Member
- Sep 30, 2007
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Hey guys, currently doing a paper about Wii as an innovation in relation to consumer behavior. There's been a lot of talk about it outselling and winning hearts of consumers over high-tech and 'better' consoles such as XBOX and Playstation 3. Being an avid gamer both on console and the PC I find this topic pretty interesting, so just to hear what you guys had to say about it. Below is a survey that I'm handing out to most of my gaming friends and I'd love to get your take on things. If you have alot more to say about Wii and its innovativeness, feel free to just comment or give any feedback. Thanks for your time 
Copy and paste the survey in your reply and underline or mark x [x] in the boxes, cheers!
Personal information
[ ] Male / [ ] Female
Age: _____
[ ] Employed
[ ] Student
[ ] Other ___________
Country of residence: _____________
1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[ ] Playstation 2
[ ] Nintendo Gamecube
[ ] XBOX
[ ] Wii
[ ] XBOX 360
[ ] Playstation 3
[ ] Other _________________________
2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more
3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[ ] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________
4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more
5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________
6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________
7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________
8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________
10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________
11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii _____________________________________________________________
Playstation 3 ______________________________________________________
XBOX 360 ________________________________________________________
12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?
Consumer Behavior Survey: Nintendo Wii
Thank you for taking your time to complete the following survey. Any information given will be strictly anonymous, and all information collected will only contribute as primary data collection to a postgraduate consumer behavior assignment for the University of Queensland, Australia. Copy and paste the survey in your reply and underline or mark x [x] in the boxes, cheers!
Personal information
[ ] Male / [ ] Female
Age: _____
[ ] Employed
[ ] Student
[ ] Other ___________
Country of residence: _____________
1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[ ] Playstation 2
[ ] Nintendo Gamecube
[ ] XBOX
[ ] Wii
[ ] XBOX 360
[ ] Playstation 3
[ ] Other _________________________
2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more
3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[ ] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________
4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more
5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________
6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________
7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________
8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________
10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________
11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii _____________________________________________________________
Playstation 3 ______________________________________________________
XBOX 360 ________________________________________________________
12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?
END OF SURVEY (Thanks again for your time!)