Game idea


Boredom at it's best
Nov 5, 2006
Wii Online Code
don't flame it
hasnt' been completely thought up yet i was thinking about it in

You're some unnamed soldier in a mysterious us organization in a city(
unnamed for now) that is the city of the devil. You're are searching
for a certain artificat and certain dissapearences of people. When you
first go to the area with three other members of your squad, you are
happily greeted in the rural city by the inhabitants. After you begin
searching the area, people become a little dark. A bit unusual. You go
out to explore one area, but when you come back to your crap box hotel,
you find a squad member ( who decided to stay) butchered to the wall
with a pentagram on his stomach. You are then forced by unforseen
forces as the inhabitants all turn on your with unreal abilities( think
hundreds of jack carver's). After being run down, your three membered
squad now starts to fight as best they can ( weapons: g36k and colt
anaconda to name a few )
and continue the search for the artifcat that they believe causes this.
The city is slightly evolved and will take you underground a bit and
you will have night gunfights.

Why the wii: Well the wii is
basically begging for an fps and after Red Steel blew, you can't rely
on third party games. It will be a bit of a horror game, but more
focused on action.

Controls: Aim with the wiimote obviously, customizable aimbox so none of that aiming blows issue.

Slashing movement of nunchuku brings out a quick knife slash.
Consecutive slashes can make a combo ( i.e., knocking a skinny down and
impaling him, or spin with the knife)
Dpad: weapons, flashlight
Tilt wiimote left or right to tilt aim left an right

Lateral and hold wiimote to either side: Holds gun down to the side for
blind fire or run faster from an enemy
A: jump
B: shoot
Analogue: move obviously
C: medical supply
Z: gun customize options
Nunchuku snap: reload

The story will also take place near the present but in a more
apocolyptic time, and this US team is trying to understand and end what
i like the story but it would have to be addapted a bit, but as it is an initial idea, id like to play a game like that :p
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You don't have to flame me but some constructive critisism(sp?) would be nice. And as I read it again it looks like the beggining anyone have a possible ending?
Matt you nub he was jk'ing :p. Anyways yeah thanks for posting up my idea. As he said i thought about it in school so it's a work in progress. Right now i'm talking it up with valve. They just need my personal info and stuff first. Then we talk about legal right's then actually tyr and make the game work.
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I'm not a nub ya nooob you dont even a wii go home. Anyway yea. Good luck though.
Sorry, I like how you've actually put some thought into this but all I can think of when I read it are the following "Parasite Eve, Resident Evil4 and for some reason devil may cry :p perhaps how you described the city" It just seems a bit cliche to me that's all with no unique selling points.
Very good game idea :)
You need more lines to the story :) (I know your still building on to it)
And I like how they need to find the certain artificact, it sounds like Resident Evil though:D
wiicanchangetheworld said:
Very good game idea :)
You need more lines to the story :) (I know your still building on to it)
And I like how they need to find the certain artificact, it sounds like Resident Evil though:D
Yyeah i got a bit of that at Gamespot, but it was mostly all positive.
To create a fun game you should think gameplay first and then the story. Movie based games sucks because all they are trying to do is cramp half baked gameplay in a existing story.
Evi1d33d said:
To create a fun game you should think gameplay first and then the story. Movie based games sucks because all they are trying to do is cramp half baked gameplay in a existing story.
I actually did think a bit about the gameplay and using the wiimote. In fact i changed gun customizing to select button, and added special situation moves for when you hold down the C button and make motions with the two controllers.

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