Ghost Squad Preview

Squall7 said:
yep. Nintendo is really spoiling us this time around.

Soon the average collection of Wii games will be around 20-30 in number!

And I too wish to get Trauma Centre and Worms.

Now people complained about lack of third party support but for me, look at the line up, third party support looks amazing for both DS and Wii.
Cpt.McCloud said:
Now people complained about lack of third party support but for me, look at the line up, third party support looks amazing for both DS and Wii.
I agree. The Wii has so much going for it, the only people that complain are the ill-informed.

Personally, I think I'm going to be spending half my Student Loan on Wii games.

I was thinking of getting a 360, but that seems to get pushed back and back until like DMC 4 and RE5 get released (that's if RE5 doesn't get ported, if it did, I would get it for Wii)...
Squall7 said:
I agree. The Wii has so much going for it, the only people that complain are the ill-informed.

Personally, I think I'm going to be spending half my Student Loan on Wii games.

I was thinking of getting a 360, but that seems to get pushed back and back until like DMC 4 and RE5 get released (that's if RE5 doesn't get ported, if it did, I would get it for Wii)...

I agree, I do think the 360 has some really good games going for it now tho also but I am really looking forward to DMC4.

I usually just use my friend and my cousin's 360 to play the games that they have that I like.
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Squall7 said:
Personally, I think I'm going to be spending half my Student Loan on Wii games
Ditto! I just got my letter so I know how much I'm getting and when so I can figure out if I can afford everything now!

By the way, that vid was awesome, there seems to be so much to the game and I just can't wait until it's coming out. My collection of games is certainly going to grow by the end of the year and the only problem I can see is finding the time to play them all.
LOL @ that Youtube video. Mitsubishi Hakushow and Arigato Toyota know how to clean house.

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