Funny Sayings/slang Used In Your State/country

Bust your leg = go away

Wackit = go away

Kift = weird (invented by my town - go pembroke dock! lol )

Mitchin (most common word ere lol)

Eeyu = here (pronouncd ee-yuh)

Bommin = wicked/good

Buzzin = Kool

Your wack = crazy

your trippin = nt makin sense

cnt be arsd to list more lol
When someone says something stupid or obvious they get a 'Neck'
You put your hand on their neck, grab, and slide off.


Guy 1: Whats the largest country in Africa?
Guy 2: I thought Africa was a country...
Guy 1: Thats a neck
Guy 2: *Gets necked* sob. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
We used to do the same thing...called it "neckbone" instead of just neck. And a lot of the time we would do it when we would get someone to look at something that wasn't there.
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"what that was,was what i was gonna say" - i forgot what i was gonna say

lol yea its something really hard to say for others, since we say it really quick
i doubt anyone else uses that in other places/
Wahaha, Waaaa!

Waluigi says it, therefore it's cool. :yesnod:

Seriously though, I have most of my friends using the my word "FRuMMaGe" in speech without realizing it now :lol:

Eg. "You've been Frummaged!"
"Oh my God, that dude just got frummaged!"
"You've been frummaging yourself behind the fence again haven't you?"

Number 3 was to demonstrate that it can be used as an innuendo :lol:
Mitching- skipping class.
Bra'- alternate pronunciation of bro', as in when you call a friend "brother".
Safe- cool, good.
Cwtch- Welsh word for cuddle (pronounced cutch).
Cpt.McCloud said:
Insults count?

Yamam = yeah...they tend to say it as one word >_<

Hahah, I can't believe I forgot about this..

'Ew muva' where I come from 'son'.

The song in this video is on EVERYONES phones where I live.. sorta local song with all our slang, ignore the two girls lol.. it was the only video I could find with the song!

You big fat wigged up bastard, I'll do ew ****ing car


And Napalmbrain! Cwtch! Hah, I forgot about all the Welsh words we use..

- Bore da - good morning
- Nos da - good night
- Dim problem - no problem
where im from, which is south jersey we talk so fast and italian that instead of saying did you eat? its jeet? lol
TEXAS-we use yall isntead of u all idk its just natural and at school people call each other the N word all the time
Not regional, but my friends and I use Shakespearean insults.

"Take thy face hence" - Get out of my sight
"Prince of cats"
"Cream-faced loon"

Yeah...Emma's so leaving me.
Brawny said:
Not regional, but my friends and I use Shakespearean insults.

"Take thy face hence" - Get out of my sight
"Prince of cats"
"Cream-faced loon"

Yeah...Emma's so leaving me.
Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?
surfinrach90 said:
And Napalmbrain! Cwtch! Hah, I forgot about all the Welsh words we use..

- Bore da - good morning
- Nos da - good night
- Dim problem - no problem
Cusanwch fy pen ol!
FRuMMaGe said:
Cusanwch fy pen ol!

:yikes: !!! Lmfao!!!

Cer i grafu :wink:

[off topic] Holly hell look at all the spam threads when you click new posts! [/off topic]
Down in the Miami area, when we see a real flamboyant homosexual, we say they're peacock:

"Yo man, check out the pink pants on that dude, he's so peacock!"

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