Funny PS3 E3 Vid

How much was a DVD player when they firstr came out? Same stuff we are going trhough now with Blu-Ray. If you want NEW technology first, you pay for it. It's been that way since computers were invented and it will never change.
Yeah I am sure we all remember when dvd players first came out and how expensive they were... so what! There is a media war going on right now and who knows what media will prevail, lets think about this what happened the last time sony took a risk with a new media... you know umd's. What happened to those... they flopped hardcore. Yep the price will go down after the media war and then the price of ps3 will be even more ridiculous than it already is! Why would you even try to defend the ps3 everyone knows that it is way to expensive and that you can get an x box 360 and a wii for the same price. And sony is only losing the war already, they have lost so many exclusive developers so all the games that drive their system are going to be on every other system anyway.
Well actually just to clarify to everyone that Sony has been working on a UGG over the past couple of months. As well as Microsoft has their UGG (They call it a HDA though) So I am sure that Blu-Ray will fall in price soon enough.... just give it time. But other than that gaming consoles should be what they are..... GAMING CONSOLES!
Yes, we all know new technology costs more. And yes first DVD players were around a grand also. So why is that even up for debate, I don't even see anyone arguing that. But like what I said, I'd rather wait until I can buy a home blu-ray player for like 200-300. Plus within months you will be able to buy an internal blu-ray drive for computers for around $400 if not less.
hmmmmmmmmmm that guy looked like he was streching to direct the plane with the six axis i knew it their motion senor is crap you would get cramps in your wrist doing it that way
patrickj said:
LOL "based on actual battles that took place in japan"...."battle a giant crab"...HAHAHA that was awesome.

hehe! that part was great!