The conspiracy?

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AtomicB said:
I didn't post because I feel guilty, I posted because you're being an idiot. You aren't a victim here, dude. One mis- you know what? Never mind. I'm not going to fuel this fire.

I, personally, believe Nintendo is giving an honest effort to make enough Wii's to meet demand. That's what I believe.
I suppose that it would make some sense to hold back supply, but it seems very unlikely.

Yungblood, watch '12 Angry Men'. It's brilliant.
exactly shut up, and thats all you had to say in the first place. state your opinion and keep personal thoughts on me to yourself. its when people start doing that thats when i start the name calling but when you post like this and a lot of your other posts that i do read and do admire your style, is when i respect what you have to say. even though your views are differnt from mines i can respect your opinion, when you and other people don't post like you previoulsy did. i don't feel im a victim i realy don't care. but i wont just sit here and take it quitely either. when you post like this i have no choice but to respect what you have to say, and either come up with a reason why i believe different or just leave it alone. but like i said its when people throw the attacks, put words in my mouth and come with fanboy rants thats when i get hostle.
I picked up a second Wii today to give away as a Christmas gift. Every time I ask, they always seem to have just one left in the back.:ihih:
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Dubb's Wii said:
I picked up a second Wii today to give away as a Christmas gift. Every time I ask, they always seen to have just one left in the back.:ihih:
Jedi Powers?
And really it would be stupid for them to do something like that...and Can'tgetaWii proved it false...I really don't care anyway since I got one :)
Fun, a flame war. Yungblood, I would suggest paying attention to the red line under the misspelled words in your posts so you come off more credible yourself. It is really hard to read some of your posts, and I mean how hard is it to use the shift key and capitalize the first letter of each sentence.

I understand why you would think there is a conspiracy, but it's just not reasonable. Nintendo is smart, they release enough units to make people happy, but not so much to where there are 20 sitting on the shelves of every store, like the 360 and PS3. I am not jaded on the lack of supply because I have one, but to those who haven't been able to get one, I feel for you.

I think the only "conspiracy" is for Nintendo to make money.
yungblood6 said:
im sorry that i don't sit by my computer of every minute of the day just to reply to you people.

I have already proven my point. and you guys made it like i said into a i hate the wii thread. i was just posting an interesting article that says the same thing i have been saying but coming from more credible people. Then like i always say you turn it into i just hate the wii and think 360 is better when i said no such thing. i didnt call it a conspiricy thats whay you guys call it every time i say its a common buisness practice. thats why its a big question mark in the title.

This also proves my point that you people don't read articles and pay attention to whats being said, like the yo yo that said nintendo doesnt outsource its production, lol did you read the article they do outsource the production thus was another reason they gave to the possiblity of the shortage. Because differnt companies make different parts and one small company can hold the whole process up.

Yea they boosted production, for black friday and then ohhh wait a minute and if i heard correct all the major stores are supposed to get a big shipment in after new years.

But like i said im not going to argue with you idiots any more because you cant take nothing for what it is. i post an article for what it is and you guys come with your bull **** arguments towards me when i wasnt the one that wrote the article.

What i find funny is it wasnt even a wii hating article it was actualy praising nintendo for its tactics and saying that it was a smart buisness move to keep supplies low so it doesnt have over supply.

This was just to prove my point that you guys hang on every word i say and take it for wii hate and you don't read ****. and all you do is come into my posts with your fanboy rants and don't even know what you are talking about. lol when i finnaly got back online i had to clap it up on this one it was real funny.

Thanks to those with intellegent posts as i always enjoy those and your point of views.

Good god, did that post have to be so big? by the way, you did call it a conspiracy in your thread title.
kez[B said:
]Why so much hate against Nintendo?
kez[B said:
[/B] They're doing what's best for their bottom line - intended shortage or not.

It makes no sense to constantly whine over who is winning the console war and whether or not it is due to some "conspiracy". Get over yourself, it is what it is. Pick a console and shut up. Be happy with the console(s) you have, be it a Wii, PS3, XBox, or whatever.

ETA: For what it's worth, I don't think it's a conspiracy.

Because it has violated every unspoken rule/value systen about how this buinsness is suposed to run and is winning ANYWAY! People still like the wii, DESPITE the fact that is inferior to the PS360, power wise. So instead of acknowleging that Nintendo is still alive and functioning in the face of its more powerfull and more resoursfull rivals; people will only cut it down, "puting it it in it's place" so to speak. IE, The shortages are fake, to makes it SEEM like the wii is popular. Only tech ignorant people will buy such an inferior product. Only Casual gamers will buy this product, with the word "Casuas" having the stigma of ignorance, lack of a sence of guality, Kiddiness, lack of gaming skill. (need I go on?) Not even yahoo was above this crap in their reveiw of the wii, saying "who need it, Casual gamers" << it is not to be takes seriously.>> Go get the latest issue of EGM and see for youselvs. Got to google and look up "wii hate" and you will have no problem finding pages on pages of vetriolic hate towards the wii.

"It makes no sense to constantly whine over who is winning the console war and whether or not it is due to some "conspiracy". Get over yourself, it is what it is. Pick a console and shut up. Be happy with the console(s) you have, be it a Wii, PS3, XBox, or whatever."

I agree with you all the way. I don't quite understnd the level of this hatred because there are two other choices out there. The XBOX360 and the PLAYSTATION3. << Hardcore gaming is not gonna go away.

I think a lot of the anger is because this "inferior" product is the most popular product.

I don't think there is a conspiricy either.
yungblood6 said:
Its funny how when i say that the wii shortage is being done on purpose i get tons of people saying im just a wii hater, and im a dumb ****, and bla bla bla. but its funny how i and others on wii chat arent the only ones who think this. Its funny how people that are in the buisness world have the same, and some what differnt theory on the wii shortage that is going on. hmmm well i don't need your hate just posting the article you can judge for your selfs but before you go on your fanboy rants these are people from the wall street journal and i think they know more about buisness than us on here so with out further delay here ya go.

what he says is true on g4 thay where talking to nintendo people and thay sed that its on purpose
TiwazTyrsfist said:
So, I've been over this before.

Nintendo is making 1.8 Million units a month now.
To compare, Sony is producing roughly 300,000 PS3's a month.

So why is the Wii hard to find? It's selling 350-400 thousand units A WEEK.
Demand for the Wii is significantly higher than other units.

Yes, gamers want a Wii, and a PS3, and a 360.
But Grandma Also wants a Wii
And the Gym coach wants ten of them.
And, for that matter, so does a huge portion of the population who never wanted to play video games before.

People, particularly Wall Street analysts, don't seem to understand how far outside the normal target market Nintendo has stretched with the Wii.

I agree, they are applying old rules to a completly new situation, one they have no experience with. The wii has no real place in the gaming world, it seems to have come from outside it and now it trying to make a place for itself here.
I still don't get why they would be holding back Wii's from people? It would make sense that they did it last year since it was newer and not as many people were familiar with it.

Nintendo has been awarded for its marketing with the Wii, and I highly doubt they would do something like this for awareness after it has been out for so long. It's just a fast selling system that everyone wants!

As for the original poster...if you are going to post stuff like this, be prepared to either back up your arguments (i know...i know, you didn't write this) or else be able to listen to other peoples opinions and consider them. Would you have liked it better if you posted it, then everyone replied saying "neat"?
yungblood6 said:
cant get a wii thank you for your post if i would have seen that in your other posts i wouldnt have made this one because its basicly saying the same thing.

No worries, but what I posted is not the same thing as yours.
Mine is showing how there is no conspiracy and why holding their consoles back would be a mistake.

Seriously, why would they hold their consoles back before Christmas, when some people still need to buy games like Galaxy because they wanted to wait for Christmas. Plus people still need them, so there is still demand for them.
There is no reason for them to hold them back, there is no conspiracy.
SixStringedStress said:
Take an economics class, demand will almost always be higher than quantity in this case because nintendo doesn't outsource it's production. I repeat: NINTENDO DOES NOT OUTSOURCE IT'S PRODUCTION. Do you understand that it puts a serious cramp in quantitiy unlike Microsoft and Sony who are much bigger entities that can handle production throughout the year and not just Christmas.
FYI, the WSJ begs to differ with you....
"Nintendo's job is all the more difficult because it outsources all production, compared with other companies, who make their own products. "

For yungblood6 I'd say that I did read the article and I don't see anything in there that validates that they think there is a conspiracy. I DO think that it is taking Nintendo a really long time to get production properly up and running. But I am beginning to think they are just dense and not holding things up on purpose. They are... kind of a weird company.

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