Funny Photo/ Caption Competition

I think I'm going to go with the "How The Hell Am I Going To Explain This One To The Boss" image.
Here's a "photo" I took of Waluigi in Blender:

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  • #51
OK well comp is over. If you didnt get a PM announcing you were the winner, well then I spose better luck next year. ;)
Thanks for the entries, next year it will be a bit more straightforward... first time running a comp and all.. Hope yas all had/have a great Christmas!
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  • #53
It was a toss-up between AndThens?'s "You dropped my DS you go and get it" entry and CantGetaWii's entry of the cat playing a DS.
CantGetaWii edged out slightly though due to the entry actually having a Nintendo product in it, and I think the caption is rather fitting, well done all on the entries and grats CantGetaWii for the win! Catch yas next year.

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