Funny Photo/ Caption Competition

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  • #20
Jay588 said:
first one is hilarious..but i dont think u can steal other peoples self made titles..

You can use other people's photos but PLEASE dont forget the caption. Make its your own caption. (if the picture has a caption on it, cut/photoshop it out and add your own below).
I just did this one in 10 minutes, it kind of sucks.


Shaq after the release of Shaq-Fu 2
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I hope most of you arnt clamein them as your own
Ive seen them on another site loads of times


I like your eyes

I'm glad this contest isn't based on following directions, otherwise, there'd be nearly no entries at this point :lol:

1) Link to picture

2) Add YOUR OWN funny caption (either on the image, or simply under the image link in text).

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  • #26
Yer I've realised the rules were perhaps a bit obscure but... find a funny pic/take one yourself. And give it your OWN funny caption. ONE entry for submitting each.

What Mr. Money posted doesnt count. What wiifan123 posted does. Its quite simple really :p

And who doesnt want a chance to win a free game of their choice?
Keep em coming. Just make sure they fit the rules.

BTW Chewy, yours wouldve been alright, but then you didnt put a caption on it....
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  • #28
Yer but you are allowed to use other 'peoples' photos as long as you change the caption. Ive seen a lot of the pics on the net already.
Post your own if youve got better ;)
here i was going crazy looking for a picture
and i noticed i use this one on my chats on msn messneger
i just added a caption =D

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