funny momma jokes

Yea...Because you asked for the rep I'm not giving you it. But I was expecting more from that joke with the hype you gave us on it. I did chuckle a lil bit though.
Here, i go with a few more Yo mama Jokes, -_- *Snorkle* x 200

Yo mama so fat she has more CHINS, then a hongkong phone.

Yo mama head is so small when she wore an earing she died ,( ahahaha)

Yo mama so ugly, her mom told her she was muslim just so she could cover her face( BWAHAHAH)

-_- Original? I HOPE.
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wiisic said:
please please rep me if this funny, its better than all the other posts on this page, well here you go.

Yo Momma is so fat when she fell I didn't wan laugh but the ground was crackn

click on green mushroom if you liked it.

for asking nicely i will rep you.:thumbsup:

even though the joke sucked really bad!!!!!!
gawd, poor little sunera doesn't get repped, even for trying her hardest at a yo mama joke. *sigh* ;(
Suner52 said:
so you can have an Or-g?

Man your mom must give great Or-g's...I guess Orgy's are a thing of the past. Honestly Or-g's..sounds like cereal to me, and not good cereal.
lmao, i didnt know if we were aloud to use the word 'OR-G'

On wiichat... soo there for i used 'OR-G'