Freind code thread sorting


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
I was thinkin of sorting out the FC thread
Because it looks a mess( I has no mod power but ill do some kinda spread sheet thing with them all listed just name, fc code and wii name)(if I need a break for doing the song thing (see the I need your voice thread))
If i0n wouldn't mind
Ill just keep it simple no posts just a list
Ill post it in the on-line section then a mod can lock it and ill edit it with any new ones
I will also need some help on it (me workin from one side someone else on the other ill discuss the deatails with the other person if this is exepted)

Unless i0n already has plans for it
prinny you normally have good judgement so whatever you think is right then by all means clean away :)

all i know is that i wouldnt get too crazy into it since theres all this talk about i0n and his changes with the FC system.
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Ill see what I0ns doing
Hes yet to pm my interview back
Darkprinny said:
Ill see what I0ns doing
Hes yet to pm my interview back

Damn i forgot all about that!, im about 50% through the questions so i'll get that over to you shortly :)

About the friend codes thing, yea i share your pain. We're working on a whole new system which will make finding/adding/listing wii friends soooo much easier.

Hopefully this isnt too far off so just be a little more patient :scared:
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Thank something I didnt make it longer

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