Forever Blue?

w00t. More abuse of the rep system. This is why it's so worthless now-a-days. Keep it up people.

Vagrant: Rep'd because you're vagrant biatch.
It does. But I have to agree with Steven that this game would be enhanced greatly if it had PS3/360 graphics. I'm not even going to complain with what we have on the Wii, looks great...especially the fact that you can explore it all with buds online. Definitely different. Is this Nintendo only? (no, I haven't done any research...)
ssbb_lover said:
w00t. More abuse of the rep system. This is why it's so worthless now-a-days. Keep it up people.

Vagrant: Rep'd because you're vagrant biatch.
Repped because Gorillaz rock, ha all of the "social" wii-chat members do this so why not:yesnod:

And it's a Wii exlusive.
StevenNevets said:
Repped because Gorillaz rock, ha all of the "social" wii-chat members do this so why not:yesnod:
The popular kids do it, so you do it...where's that gotten us in this world? More green bars. Pshaw.
StevenNevets said:
And it's a Wii exlusive.
Nice. Thanks.
/off topic/ How many times must you rep others before you can rep someone again? /off topic/
Tails McCloud~ said:
/off topic/ How many times must yoy rep others before you can rep someone again? /off topic/
Who knows. Just go on a repping spree, eventually you will be able to rep the person again. I haven't been able to rep Jill or Adam for MONTHS. Probably since February...

It'd be nice if this tid bit of info was in the Rep FAQ.
any way back on topic i also think this game will be sweet. its so diffrent from the usual im gona kill you game. plus online will be a huge factor on why i will get this game but i wonder what kind of objectives will you have, explore the blue to find certain sea creatures i seen on a screen shot you explore all kinds of different waters like the arctic even, and it looked beautiful. what is nin up too they are going off this year thank you nin
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Yeah I wondered about the objective too.
<<< Didnt wanna check...
My thought is that its easy to produce higher resolution graphics on a weak video chipset when the images are in slow motion like would be with a whale under water.

I wish I could rep myself

edit: WOW look at those high def jagged edges!
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But your still an ass for it...
However, you are right, but as ive said before, graphics dont make a good game. I dont, however see an objective to this game, and if that be the case, then its rubbish.
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ciper said:
My thought is that its easy to produce higher resolution graphics on a weak video card when the images are in slow motion like would be with a whale under water.

I wish I could rep myself

edit: WOW look at those high def jagged edges!

OMG jagged edges on a highly compressed photo?!?!?!?!

I can make any PS3 screenshot look jaggy with MSPaint.
vagrant said:
OMG jagged edges on a highly compressed photo?!?!?!?!

I can make any PS3 screenshot look jaggy with MSPaint.
Jpeg compression does NOT produce artifacts that big or of that type. The game is just as jaggy as the rest of the Wii games we've seen so far.
VIDEO + game

Don't say graphics don't matter. I don't know about a slow-motion game but if this game only runs at 30fps then that could be why it looks better the most Wii games. Maybe it runs at 60, who knows... But the Wii is not powerfull, just imagine if the Wii was as powerfull as the PS3, the sea would look amazing rather then good.:ciappa:
I can't wait for this ^_^

Looks so cool and really relaxing lol :)

Will be getting this as soon as it comes out :D