Forest Temple Problem...


WiiChat Member
Feb 9, 2007
Hi all, was wondering if you could help me with the problem on the forest temple...

I got to the mini-boss and defeated him and got the boomerang, and then saved my game and quit.

When I reloaded a couple of days later, I was at the start of the temple again. Problem is, now when I go to the central room with the collapsed bridge where the 4 monkeys swing you over, none of the monkeys are there!

Instead I have 2 monkeys in the previous room on the rope swings, and two monkeys in the room where you ram the pedestal to break the cage, also on the rope swings. I have rescued all the monkeys, they are not in the cages, but they won't follow me around and are stuck on the ropes in these two separate rooms.... I have run all over the map and I cannot get the cutscene where the four of them line up and lead me to the mini-boss to trigger!

Can anyone help? This is the only save game I have, so if it is bugged/corrupt I will have to restart the entire game!
i think you can now use the boomerang you got to make the wooden bridges turn on the other side. that should get you across to the boss room.
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Thank you very much for your assisstance. I had totally forgotten about the boomerang in my inventory...

:wink: Thanks a million!

Onward I go!

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