Forecast Channel in TWO WEEKS! News Coming

pretty exciting, I hope you can keep track of multiple cities at the same time. I wanna keep track of how its goin on at home while im away for college
they have had those pictures on the webpage for quite some time now with the dates and everything.... the internet channel still has a strip that says coming soon tho :(
This Channel can only be accessed when the Wii console is connected to the Internet... Instead of using magic powers like how the weather is normally accessed

Damn websites stating the obvious these days.
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Yeah, that's my blog. I'm new to this, but I've been trying to post the interesting stuff I find about the Wii and write some opinion colums. Just a hobby, I've made 4 cents (seriously, no joke) off those google ads. It's fun to do, like being on the forms here. Went back a few pages and saw a thread speculating about dates, didn't see this info so I just figure why post it twice.

peace, bro

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