For People Who Have Red Steel

Its a highly addicting game imo... even though there are control glitches and the voice acting is terrible...

I'm thinking its the immersiveness. Think, stop and pop + light gun...
The game is better off when you use cover and pop out and zoom in with A (turn autolock off, its the worst thing to happen to this game).
I havent had a chance to do multiplayer yet, but I hear you only get four maps??

That is lame! Nintendo loses major points for releasing this beta version of a video game. $50?? **** you Nintendo!
Wiiaretheworld said:
I havent had a chance to do multiplayer yet, but I hear you only get four maps??

That is lame! Nintendo loses major points for releasing this beta version of a video game. $50?? **** you Nintendo!

Ubisoft is the maker of Red Steel. . .not Nintendo.

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