

... Not that my palette is experienced enough in fine breakfast dining t' validate such an opinion as fact.
Apparently it's National Doughnut day! I like chocolate dipped donuts filled with white cream. <3


Doughnuts are the preferred pastry of peasants.

... ... ... I'd eat 'em all the time if calories weren't a thing. ._.;
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  • #759
<3 coffee

I just put butter on bread and toasted it....

Yes, so much yes!:3

Anyone here love some Cheerios? If so, grab some real honey pour it over it. It taste amazing! Of course with milk in it. Heheh.
Toast is never tiring. At least it's better than pancakes and waffles.
Leave flapjacks out of it. It doesn't belong there for you to hate it. Pancakes are the top quality for a hearty breakfast. Dab some fruits and nuts and ye' got yer'self some a tasty pancakes.
Apparently it's National Doughnut day! I like chocolate dipped donuts filled with white cream. <3


I love some donuts here and there, but aside from the calories, I like Fast Lane donuts, glaze donuts and jelly filled donuts.
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When a self-proclaimed human garbage disposal insults your taste buds, ya know you lack class.

inb4 nick realizes hes bein trolld
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  • #762
I know, it's pretty hilarious how single minded you're being.
Oh stop it, you.;D
When a self-proclaimed human garbage disposal insults your taste buds, ya know you lack class.

inb4 nick realizes hes bein trolld
Eh, I'll give 'im by tomorrow for him to figure things on his own. He's a big kid, Splash King. He's a big kid...


Very mature, kemosplashie.:p Changing words to coffee; heheh-don'cha dare do that again!!! Herpah derp haz spekin'!
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  • #764
Even coffee??? .... May tea have mercy on your very soul.
omfg bowser weve been OVER this man. ONE CUP does not allow you to pretend that you know what you're talking about. I'm mostly just defending coffee with this since it's so much an acquired taste that you can never truly appreciate the first time.

You've succeeded in getting me a bit irritated (....not very hard to do), I give you that, but you're doing an even better job of making yourself look bad.
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