
I remember the orea pizza, lol. Dominos was desperate from some publicity at that time, and still is. Never tried it, though... That just seems like it'd be disgusting.

Rather, I'll eat some fried oreos.
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  • #63
Mmmm, bacon. Sure does bring back old memories, eh CK and DG?

Yes, weird foods I eat.XD It's who I am.=P Can't change it.:)

That reminds me of something! I love to eat deep, covered fudge cookies with cheese crackers and Louisiana Hot Sauce!:D Ohhhhhh MAMA! Yes, call me insane CK!:lol: DG, call me "weird." XD


I did say wierd is good. Means your not like other people.

I like fried torrtillas cut into triangles and make vannilla icecream for a dip.

@Boo: I knew dominos you to sell it, i said it above.

@Boz: You should put in a country voice in every post since you have that type of voice.

I know I'm different from people... OK, a LOT more different from people. Anyway, never tried fried tortilla with vanilla... Sounds gooood.XD

My other favorite food is good ol' classic sandwich.=)
I remember the orea pizza, lol. Dominos was desperate from some publicity at that time, and still is. Never tried it, though... That just seems like it'd be disgusting.

Rather, I'll eat some fried oreos.
I tried to frie some oreos. I failed at least like 7 times. But, i believe i got it.
Mmmm, bacon. Sure does bring back old memories, eh CK and DG?

Yes, weird foods I eat.XD It's who I am.=P Can't change it.:)

That reminds me of something! I love to eat deep, covered fudge cookies with cheese crackers and Louisiana Hot Sauce!:D Ohhhhhh MAMA! Yes, call me insane CK!:lol: DG, call me "weird." XD


I did say wierd is good. Means your not like other people.

I like fried torrtillas cut into triangles and make vannilla icecream for a dip.

@Boo: I knew dominos you to sell it, i said it above.

@Boz: You should put in a country voice in every post since you have that type of voice.

I know I'm different from people... OK, a LOT more different from people. Anyway, never tried fried tortilla with vanilla... Sounds gooood.XD

My other favorite food is good ol' classic sandwich.=)

Hey your a good friend, so that differnce you have from people is a gift.

What does it have with it? Ham,cheese,turkey,etc?
i still agree with my cupcake post.

Fine i not ignore your post boz.:lol:. Lets talk about the wonders of cupcakes. I like the one that have filling on the bottom part of them. Like carmel, or whipped cream. How about you?
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  • #67
@DG- Cheese, lettuce, ham, two breads, mayo, mustard, hot peppers, chopped onions, and an olive attached to a toothpick on top of MY sandwich.=P:lol:

How do you stack 'em DG?
@DG- Cheese, lettuce, ham, two breads, mayo, mustard, hot peppers, chopped onions, and an olive attached to a toothpick on top of MY sandwich.=P:lol:

How do you stack 'em DG?

Oh my, are you serious or is this some type of sick joke?.:lol:. Sounds good king, just take out the olives,and mustard and its a good meal.

I like ordering at subway a italian sub. It has provolone cheese, with salami, ham, peperoni, and (maybe mayo if wanted).
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  • #69
OH CRAP!:lol: I order Italian Sub too!!!XD Also I order "Spicy B.M.T" or I think it's called "Spicy Italian B.M.T."

Anywaaaaaay, yes DG, nothing disgusting is added to my sandwich.XD XD XD
OH CRAP!:lol: I order Italian Sub too!!!XD Also I order "Spicy B.M.T" or I think it's called "Spicy Italian B.M.T."

Anywaaaaaay, yes DG, nothing disgusting is added to my sandwich.XD XD XD

I need to try that king. Im aiming to buy a 5..5 dallor...5 dallor foot long! I dont know which one i should get but they all look pretty damn good.

:lol:. That is so true king, but combined it is disgusting.
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  • #71
That song got stuck on everyones head!:lol:

*KingBowser wore a tux and a hat*


*KingBowser laughed*:lol:

Anyway, I also love deep, rich, creamy caramely, milky ice cream. With more caramel on top!:lol: I just had this afternoon or in the morning... Can't remember which... Oh, well.:lol:
this song is stuck in my head!
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  • #73
$3.99!!! WHAT A RIP-OFF!:lol: That meal is small by the way!:lol:

That song didn't really get stuck in my head. I thought it was funny.:lol:
$3.99!!! WHAT A RIP-OFF!:lol: That meal is small by the way!:lol:

That song didn't really get stuck in my head. I thought it was funny.:lol:

I loved the song so much i bought that fish machine thingy of ebay.

Also this song got stuck in my head.
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  • #75
I thought that clip was funny and cool at the sametime.=P It didn't really get stuck in my head at all.

I love pie!:lol: Pumpkin Pie to be exact.=P

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