
I'm a seafood man, particularly fond of crustaceans. Therefore, I love me some crab rangoons. Absolutely ****ing delicious without the need to add anything to it, and in my opinion, that's the best kind of food.

Thanks, now I want seafood. >.>;
ohai nick. ... How about some squid rangoons?

I'm curious if they make rangoons with less pasty seafood, actually. I'm not sure it'd be possible with squid, octopus, etc.
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  • #378

If I might echo what I've said quite some time ago...

"****'s wrong with your tastebuds? o_o"

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey........easy, buddy.....easy. Nothing is wrong with my tastebudes. Hey, man, I just intend to like a combination of food.*looking at you* Like....TEX MEX1!!1!1 What about you with your damn coffee addiction!=P Heheheheh.
I somehow may not of mentioned this in the thread (I feel even more stupid than I should since we just discussed tiramisu), but I love coffee. Energizing, delicious, and can be coordinated into food dishes, coffee is just wonderful.

And speaking of coffee...

/shameless advertisement

Coffee is a drug addiction CK. I'm starting to worry about you. Caffeine is considered a drug, y'know. That's why you like it so much.... like a drug. It stunts your growth a drug. It keeps your teeth from getting any chewing's like a---drug addition, y'know. Nah, you don't give a rat's arse about it, huh? Hahaha!
Nah, you don't give a rat's arse about it, huh? Hahaha!

Indeed. ;D

I'm not addicted to coffee at all, bro. I can go a few mornings without coffee; I'd sure as hell prefer not to, but I don't get coffee withdrawl. The reason I don't is probably because I limit myself to two cups a day; one in the morning obviously, and another if I feel like it. I think it's delicious as well. Even though caffeine is 100% an addicting substance, it's the last reason why I drink it.

Not to mention coffee has health benefits, bro. Increased metabolism is the only one I personally know of, but there're a lot of other suspected benefits. Don't you be hatin' on the cup o' joe King. :p
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  • #380
Indeed. ;D

I'm not addicted to coffee at all, bro. I can go a few mornings without coffee; I'd sure as hell prefer not to, but I don't get coffee withdrawl. The reason I don't is probably because I limit myself to two cups a day; one in the morning obviously, and another if I feel like it. I think it's delicious as well. Even though caffeine is 100% an addicting substance, it's the last reason why I drink it.

Not to mention coffee has health benefits, bro. Increased metabolism is the only one I personally know of, but there're a lot of other suspected benefits. Don't you be hatin' on the cup o' joe King. :p

Well, bro, drinking coffee is really bad, honestly! It really is. But damn, every morning(I think you do)?! Coffee causes a boatload of health problems compare to your uh........"increase metabolism" thing. I'll just give you the top three of baaaad coffee info: 1) Bad Breath; I know people who drink coffee and man! their breath smells terrible! I rather smell sh-- with flies. 2) Raises stress levels; pretty much drink too much( I know that you don't) stress is too high; don't you see them with big-o eyes? Heheh. A prefect one that someone goes to college and stress levels are off the chart, they're just asking for it. 3) Risk of heart attack; levitates the heart and blood pressure.

Yes, I'm a hater to all coffees. So what.=P Hahaha! But I'm concerned about you, broski.
Yes, I'm a hater to all coffees.

Precisely why I can't take what you're saying too seriously. :p

Bad breath is easily solved by proper dental hygiene and an occasional tic tac, the former which I know plenty about. Since I'm a man who loves some good eats, I'd prefer to keep my mouth in tact for as long as possible. :lol: Bad breath is rude, but nothing horrible and health related.

Coffee promotes endorphin distribution throughout the body, bro. Coffee makes you happy, it's the opposite of a depressant.

Pretty sure you're right on #3 though, caffeine is an induced rush after all. But I'm not worried about going out at age 60 via heart attack, I'm more concerned about my teeth than my golden years life. :p I doubt coffee will be what ends me regardless, I'm damn-well fit and healthy.

... Probably.

But your concern is touching regardless, King. :p
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  • #382
I dunno.....

Oh, gawsh no!:lol: Well, yeah, dental hygiene and all that stuff will help but the real question to this is: Will you have time to brush your teeth in morning after a cup of coffee? Hm? Hahaha! Believe me it'll be bad if you try to.

It makes you happy not me.:p Just smelling that thing burns my nose.
I'm damn-well fit and healthy.

... Probably.

That just made me laugh when I read it.:lol: CK, between you and I, we both know we are not "technically" healthy in the body of what foods we consume. Endorsing all that bacon and succulent fatty foods.:lol: But hey, we know what bad and what's not.

Much obliged.
That just made me laugh when I read it.:lol: CK, between you and I, we both know we are not "technically" healthy in the body of what foods we consume. Endorsing all that bacon and succulent fatty foods.:lol: But hey, we know what bad and what's not.

Truth be told, I fantasize about unhealthy, delicious food more than I indulge in it, bro... I would be overweight and unhealthy otherwise. My family's got a long line of overweight slobs, and I damn-well aim to not fall into that category. I'm sure many who don't know would be surprised I keep tabs on my diet; not on some crazy down-to-the-calorie ****, but I'm certainly careful to not eat non-lean meat, candy, etc. on an often basis.

For example, I haven't had even a slice of bacon in probably 4 months now (I need to fix that)... And we both sure as hell know how much I loves me some bacon. It kills me, but I'd rather be able to move around and enjoy these two legs of mine, than shovel delicious morsels of fat and flavor into my gullet. ;_; Since my life is anything but active at the moment, that's how my eating habits will stay for now.

'Least I've still got Beef Jerky and Sushi. :D
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  • #384
Dang, and I thought you guys had a fast metabolism.0_0 I wish I had one but it was gone when I was 10th grade. Bah.....

Oh, yes, brother. We do adore bacon. But alas, ever day we don't have time for that greasy shack house......huh, I don't remember the last time I ate bacon.... probably 2 months ago? I don't know, but God knows what day we'll eat it in. Same here, broski. Outdoor for me.

Oh, man! Beef Jerky?! Dang, I didn't have those in ages. I just love to emasculate those things 'til I couldn't eat no more.

Well, I can respect that.
huh, I don't remember the last time I ate bacon.... probably 2 months ago?

... You feel my pain, man... T_T


Oh, man! Beef Jerky?! Dang, I didn't have those in ages. I just love to emasculate those things 'til I couldn't eat no more.

Yep, I could down a ton of beef jerky for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's delicious meat (even without all the flavorings like BBQ and Teriyaki, which is proof it's good eats), but without all the unhealthy fat 'n ****. If it didn't cost a pretty penny in terms of how much ya get for your money, I'd be eating it daily. :D But 'till I've got a job, that won't be happening sadly. :lol:
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  • #386
... You feel my pain, man... T_T
bacon hood.png

Yep, I could down a ton of beef jerky for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's delicious meat (even without all the flavorings like BBQ and Teriyaki, which is proof it's good eats), but without all the unhealthy fat 'n ****. If it didn't cost a pretty penny in terms of how much ya get for your money, I'd be eating it daily. :D But 'till I've got a job, that won't be happening sadly. :lol:

Hahaha! True, that. Luckily I have a job at school as a seller.=P Rice krispies.:lol: It's a start. Make like around(if business are good) 90-100$ a week. If you want Jack Links beef jerky, I'll mail the money to you, bro.
Brofist of baconhood is the manliest brofist that ever bro'd. You win an internets King. :lol:

If you want Jack Links beef jerky, I'll mail the money to you, bro.

I'd love you like a brother from another mother and then some. x) Sad as it is, when someone offers me any sort of food that tastes remotely good, my eyes light up like the N64 kid and I just get ****ing jolly. :lol: The quickest way into a man's heart is through his stomach, man.

... Is this the first time we've wholeheartedly agreed on how delicious food is, not counting Tex Mex? :p
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  • #389
Brofist of baconhood is the manliest brofist that ever bro'd. You win an internets King. :lol:

I'd love you like a brother from another mother and then some. x) Sad as it is, when someone offers me any sort of food that tastes remotely good, my eyes light up like the N64 kid and I just get ****ing jolly. :lol: The quickest way into a man's heart is through his stomach, man.

... Is this the first time we've wholeheartedly agreed on how delicious food is, not counting Tex Mex? :p

Of course! Brofist of Baconhood. Dang, I should've put it there.:lol:

Hey, bro. It's what we do. Can't leave a fallen comrade without the taste of Jerky in the morning. N64 Kid!:lol: That reminds me in Comedy Central: Tosh.O You should see it. Anyway, I was ****ing serious, bro. I would lend ya money, but I don't have Paypal!Dx Either that, I could just send the mail to Postal US. for you to get in there in NY. Right?Haha!

Not at all, broski. We've talked about it lots of time.=P
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