Fifa Soccer 08

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yes it can, with the right controls, it can be even better than normal controls.

Think about tactics. using the remote cursor to put players in unique poisitions, not like the old fixed poisitions, where there is a set of formations to choose from. The wii remote could be used to make new, better formations that you can make yourself. You could simply drop a player where you want him on the pitch, so maybe you want him towards the left, but still staying central. That might not be availible on the fixed settings, s the remote can poisition it for you!

Using the Z button to do long balls, Twisting the remote (like a key) clockwise for nutmegs, ant anti-clockwise for tricks/skills.

Shaking the remote to barge, B for shoot, A for pass, up/down for sliding tackle, shake remote to barge/normal tackle.

Using the motion sensing for your own celebations LOL.

Those controls would be awesome..
Meh.. I prefer normal controls for games like these... I get really concentrated in football games and the motion sensing will be too much of a distraction for me
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there is gonna be a gamecube/classic controller option..
They should make it so the Wii remote attaches to your leg. Or a special attachment for your shoe.
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TacosTacosTacosTacosTacos said:
They should make it so the Wii remote attaches to your leg. Or a special attachment for your shoe.

That would be awful..
Yes it would. And don't start the whole Americans-into-football debate. I don't care if IGN, a predominantly American site, calls the game FIFA "Soccer" 08. The game is called Football. We invented, we set the name. It's only called soccer in America because you already have a more popular sport in the NFL. It actually really does bug me. If you want to embrace Football you should be embracing the name too and not trying to use your worldwide influence to change the name to Soccer simply because it suits you better.
/rant over

Anyway, I'm extremely unsure over these motion controls. There is potential but I do think the fundamental problems of using your hands to simulate a sport played with your feet may be too much to overcome. We shall see. Mario Strikers controls are awesome - but I suppose going down that route would have just been the "safe" route for EA. At least the company, so often accused of churning out game after game with only profit in mind, is trying to innovate in a fairly major way.
DazzeL said:
Yes it would. And don't start the whole Americans-into-football debate. I don't care if IGN, a predominantly American site, calls the game FIFA "Soccer" 08. The game is called Football. We invented, we set the name. It's only called soccer in America because you already have a more popular sport in the NFL. It actually really does bug me. If you want to embrace Football you should be embracing the name too and not trying to use your worldwide influence to change the name to Soccer simply because it suits you better.

hell yeh!! well said...

anyways, i cannot possibly imagine playin, and truly enjoyin, fifa usin these jus sounds so awkward! an i think that for football games to get better, a wider range of passes an shots need to be available...i liked the placed shot on 07, but more things like dip, an better curling of the ball when shootin, an spin control for long balls need to be implemented...can anyone think of how this can be done usin motion controls? i was disappointed at the lack of 'bein able to control a second man' on 07, an i'd like to see this on 08 cos it was so much better controllin the second man when makin a through ball, but again, how could this be achieved?

all that bein said, i will give the controls a chance, cos who knows, it might completely stun us all an turn out to be amazin!

i am wonderin what's gon happen with the camera tho for multiplayer (as mentioned by raisinghelen), cos overhead jus isn't an option i don't feel, but side on wouldn't work either! a split screen maybe?!? i hope not!

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