FIFA 08 Advanced tricks?

only 4 moves?? your clearly playing the wrong way if u think theres only 4 moves for jucking ppl and footballs not about jucking its aboput quick passes and making it look clean and beautiful. sorry but you obviously no nothing about football of fifa 08
cesc04 said:
only 4 moves?? your clearly playing the wrong way if u think theres only 4 moves for jucking ppl and footballs not about jucking its aboput quick passes and making it look clean and beautiful. sorry but you obviously no nothing about football of fifa 08

Is that why I'm undefeated online? Its cause I do the same simple plays because it works every time and it shouldn't. What other moves can you do other than the ones that come out of shaking the nunchuk or remote? I'm sorry but you obviously haven't played 08 on the 360 because your eyes would be opened. I can't believe you actually fell for this crap game, must be a rookie to the franchise.
First off i believe we were talking about fifa on da wii not on the 360. second off ive probably been playing these games far longer than u, thirdly im undefeated (its not hard to be undefaeted)and finally u obviously dont no **** about soccer
if u think its all about tricks and **** like that u need to get out more u narrow minded idiot cause i amvery knoledgeable when it comes to soccer and your negative remarks dont do any good.
cesc04 said:
First off i believe we were talking about fifa on da wii not on the 360. second off ive probably been playing these games far longer than u, thirdly im undefeated (its not hard to be undefaeted)and finally u obviously dont no **** about soccer
if u think its all about tricks and **** like that u need to get out more u narrow minded idiot cause i amvery knoledgeable when it comes to soccer and your negative remarks dont do any good.

Lmao thats not even worth a response. Dude, the fact that you result to insults just shows how you have nothing to back up what you're trying to argue. Do you not realize the major missing components of this game? I'm trying to help you guys out here and open your eyes to how much these guys ripped us off. No manager mode is not acceptable, thats what makes sports games so much fun. I wasn't just talking about tricks, that was just one of the components I was disappointed with. You can't edit players or even view your profile! Thats ridiculous, I can't believe you don't see this. Next time when you talk, actually back it up with something before you make yourself look stupid again. I'm trying to help you.
lol u dont think in no that they didnt put that stuff in there manger ya that was a thing no fifa game should go with out but im just saying that being the first fifa game on the wii they did a desent job and im hoping they fix all the stuff for next years edition.
cesc04 said:
lol u dont think in no that they didnt put that stuff in there manger ya that was a thing no fifa game should go with out but im just saying that being the first fifa game on the wii they did a desent job and im hoping they fix all the stuff for next years edition.

Alright I'll agree with you there. But look out for Winning Eleven (Pro Evolution Soccer) coming out for Wii soon. I hear its gonna be much better.

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