Fifa 08 Online


WiiChat Member
Oct 2, 2007
Does everybody have a delay with their online play like i do? its the same for me with madden, was just wondering if anyone else has the same. its a shame as i dont get any delay with mario strikers. is there anything i can do apart from attend to my internet at home? im on a wireless connection so that might mean my connections a bit slow but, as i said, no problem with mario...
I don't have the game, so I do not know.
However all the EA games tend to do this, so its nothing unusual.
Just a nuisance you have to get used to.
Think you gotta take into acount the strength of your opponents signal too , if your both good there shouldnt be too much lagging
Just Brought Fifa 08 last night, still trying to get used to the controls on it before i venture online. Depspite the slight delays, is it worth it for the online play?
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even with the delays its good, but if it ran smoothly then itd be awesome. ah well, its still good fun

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