FIFA 08 Question


WiiChat Member
Oct 9, 2007
I have been playing Fifa 08, does anyone know why, when i play online all my formations and team setup i have made to my team do not appear and i am left with the standard setup?

Anyone else noticed this?
I've never played but do you mean like a custom team? bc maybe EA wants to prevent stacking your team. as for anything else i dont know.
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I mean custom formations, player runs, Starting 11 etc ....
I'm glad someone is asking this I was wondering the same thing. Like when it saves it on your season, why's it not save to your online profile. I can't find anywhere to change it online either.
evry time i go online da response time is so slow? can any1 help? n also the connection keeps goin!!!!!!!!
thats your connection mate. Fifa 08 online is superb for me. dunno bout formations though.

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