FIFA 08 On wii

Kwanzee said:
Im definately getting this game when it comes out this friday.

One more question :If my friend buys FIFA 08 on his PS3 and i get mine on a wii,Would i be able to play him online?


Cross platform online is only available on PC and 360 based games.

I doubt rival company's would aid each other with cross platform online any time soon either.
I like the view, just like Cpt. said, it will benefit you.
Game looks good, can't wait.
Online is going to be sweet for this one. And even offline I'm looking foward to the mode similar to Superstar in Madden.
Just because people are used to looking at a game from the side- but ask yourself this- is it really the best way? I mean the game of football is designed to be played up and down the pitch end to end. Not side to side. What I mean is if you were playing in the match for real, you would be looking upwards, straight ahead of you, not side to side.
So it may take a whole 10 mins getting used to, but I think it will be much more natural and realistic. It also means you can play and aim your shots better.
skool sucks said:
football sucks

Coming from the person who has a football related avatar and has a football related sig.

Where has all the attempts at sarcasm went?
tunaonrice said:
Shouldn't it be "Where have all the attempts at sarcasm gone?"

Your right, I can be excused tho since I am shattered from a busy day;)

School, that is your opinion, it is kind of trolling stating it sucks when there are millions of big fans of it.
Personally I can't wait for Fifa 08. I'll have to pick it up on Friday then beast it over the weekend and decide if I want it...although I am am looking forward to it, I'm still unsure about the new control style. I imagine it will work well, as it's hard to believe that it will be awful because that would be an absolute disaster for EA, I'm confident that any parts that don't feel right will have been located in the making and sorted out.

I just really am looking forward to seeing how it will work, there's so many things I want to know and I won't know until I play it! Like offline multiplayer, will it be split screen or will someone have to play downscreen? How effective is the shooting? What are the new systems that they have created like, such as AI and ball physics?

I just really really hope it all works to my satisfaction, because I can't be bothered having to update all of the transfers on Fifa 07!
Hey I have noticed that there some players who's info is not complete, I can't find Carlos Vela on the Mexico National Team, or real info on Giovani dos Santos in Barcelona... id there any way to update this???
In my opinion, this is one of the best games available on the wii. Graphics are generally very good, the gameplay is well paced. The controls take a bit of getting used too but the learning curve isn't too steep. I know some people didn't like the fact the management elements were taken out of the Wii version, but it doesn't bother me as I will go buy Football manager or Champ manager if I want to do that. THe online is cool, but I've had some issues with the connection dropping. This is sometimes caused by people dropping out of the game, usually if your kicking their Sometimes I've had my router ramdomly reset in the middle of a game, which is strange as I've never had this happen on any other game. Overall I would say it's worth buying, espcecially given the fact it's got so much longevity, and it's great to pick up when your friends are round.
Bit of a bump like, Wiimazed! My earlier comment is a bit out-of-date. I think Fifa 08 on the Wii is awful. I can't be bothered going into details of why because they're on several other threads.

Wait for PES Wii (2008).

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