Fifa 08 in Wii


The Wii Bandit
Oct 30, 2007
Wii Online Code
I am thinking of buying Fifa 08 but I have been having some mixed reviews on it, so I am putting this out to my fellow gamers on wii chat as i value your opinions more , so tell me has anyone played it ? if so how do you rate it ? is it worth getting ?
I have it and really enjoy it. The controls work for me and i like them a lot. To pass you can like do a flick of the wiimote or just hit a button to pass so that what i do cuz its easier. The graphics arent that bad, a little better then ps2 graphics. The online is great too except if you pick a good team like Chelsea or Man U the other person switches to barcalona about 95 % of the time. I would deffinetly purchase this game. The 3 mini games are fun too.
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thanks man but just one thing Chelsea ... a good team ??? I hope the Arsenal team is good, as it would be terrible if I had to be either chelsea or man u . peace.
Ahh Arsenal is really good lol!

I can gurantee you will get lots of Barcalona players playing u
I have it but soon ill be trading it .
Its ok but the major thing I have against it is the controls . A lot of the time they dont respond well and it gets really frustrating ! For me this has far too much of a negative impact on the gameplay so I dont enjoy it that much .

The controls would be great it they responded how they should all of the time .
The controls work great in single player mode, but at times the shooting responds HORRIBLY online and the drop kicks respond bad when ur the keeper but i still manage to win
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Chin35char said:
Ahh Arsenal is really good lol!

I can gurantee you will get lots of Barcalona players playing u

For real lol!
the game is great playing against friends and controls are also good, but they terrible online cos of the lag

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