Favourite Film?

Axtlar said:
the first thing I said in my post was a response to your above post before Rach's and in that post you said that Steamboy(the movie) was from Miyazaki, and I responded that it is not, but from the creator of Akira.

Oh yeah you're right, I don't know why I even assumed it was Miyazaki. It doesn't at all have his style, no wonder it sucks.
Whomever asked about Anime movies, obviously pretty much anything from Miyazaki (Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke being the best IMO, he kind of slaughtered the book version of Howls Moving Castle, by Dianna Wynne Jones, but it was still good).
the Cowboy Bebop movie is also good as stated. I also enjoyed the Ghost in a Shell movie.
But my favorite by far: Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. It's amazing. I don't even like the Gundam series and I love this movie.
dvd's worth the dough:

South park movie
frank herberts dune mini series (both)
star wars....duh (old skool)
close encounters
death and the maiden
fish called wanda
team america
devils rejects
the producers..(old skool)
capricorn one (if you wanna laugh your berrings off)
elves (another classic laugh riot. stars the dude who played grizzly adams)

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<3 the producers, old and new. Think I prefere the new one more mind, Will Ferrel :thumbsup:
Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, A Clockwork Orange, A Scanner Darkly, other stuff....
surfinrach90 said:
I've never actually seen a full Anime Movie...recommendations anyone? Particularly prinny and kira as they seem to know their stuffs
Any studio ghilbi stuff (think a Jap disney only good)
If you have film four theres one on Friday called little norse prince
1968 one of there first films
But they tend to show them every know and then

But id plump for
Princess mononkoe (?)
Spirt away (the film that got most people into his stuff)
Howls moving castle
Porco rosso

as for others
Samurai x turst/ betrail /reflections
In that order (the mangas better but the animation on these is amazing)
Ghost in the shell (its a mind fu(k ie what is real)
Appleseed (there are two versions the gci one s still good)
Dead leaves (this is what happens when anime makers do drugs)
Cowboy bebop :the movie/knocking on heavens door (anime gose hollywood)
First of the north star (not on dvd in the uk)(adds more red)
Blood the last vampire (60 mns but this is qualty)

Edit :
Try wikiing some of the titles for more info
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Anime - Appleseed
Drama - The Machinist...American Physcho...The Departed
Asian - Infernal Affairs, House of Flying Daggers
Comedy - Naked Gun I + II...Kentucky Fried Movie...Snatch...Ed Wood
Horror - Omen I (original)...Irreversible
Action - Casion Royal, Layer Cake, Lock Stock...
Snowboarding - Last Winter
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Another sutdio ghibli one
Torortoro (?)
The logo of the studio was made of him
I have 3 favorites. Anchorman, Pulp Fiction, and Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels.
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Goodnight Mr.Tom ... My all time favourite.

Aww I always cry when watching that. It's always on in the holls..hmm.. wonder if it will be on next week some time

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